Monday, March 16, 2020

Order to Authorize Hamilton County Sheriff to Release Low-risk, Nonviolent Jail Inmates
Kevin Grasha
Cincinnati Enquirer
5:16 p.m. ET March 16, 2020

In response to the new coronavirus outbreak, a court order will authorize Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil, at his discretion, to release low-risk, nonviolent inmates who are not charged with sex crimes from the jail.

An order is being prepared for signature by Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Charles Kubicki, the court's presiding and administrative judge.

Kubicki told The Enquirer on Monday that the jail needs the ability to isolate inmates if they test positive for the new coronavirus. He said his colleagues support and approved the concept.

The Justice Center has approximately 850 beds, but its population was about 1,600 on Monday, officials said. The directive is expected to reduce the population by about 400.

Last week, officials announced there will be no jury trials in Hamilton County for at least 30 days. Kubicki said Monday that all bench trials – trials where a judge decides whether someone is guilty – also are on hold.

Kubicki also said most civil dockets in common pleas court have been put on hold for at least 30 days. An exception is emergency hearings.

Arraignments for incarcerated defendants will still take place. Judges will continue to handle stalking protection orders, temporary restraining orders and search warrants. Pleas and sentencings also could still go forward, at the discretion of the court.

Also Monday, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said in a statement that his office will operate with reduced staff for the next 30 days “to keep our staff and the public we deal with healthy.”

Last week, Deters said his office will seek "own recognizance" bonds in nonviolent cases – meaning a defendant won't have to post money up front to be released from custody. That is expected to help reduce the jail population.

Those released by the sheriff would be given the equivalent of own recognizance bonds.

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