Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Western Criticism of China Proves Unjustified as Coronavirus Victory Nears
By Wang Peng
Global Times
2020/3/11 22:03:40

Amid the raging coronavirus epidemic, some Western countries have shown their true colors. 

Some Western media outlets have blamed China for the virus' going global and made a big deal out of China's "delays" during the outbreak's initial stage. Now that the novel coronavirus crisis continues to unfold across the world, it's obvious to see which country's handling has been more efficient and effective.

Within China, the spread has been brought under control. Chinese provinces and regions excluding Hubei have reported single-digit or even zero new locally transmitted cases for several consecutive days. And in Wuhan, people who have recovered from the disease now outnumbers people still being treated in hospital. For China, a complete victory is just around the corner. In sharp contrast, however, is the situation outside of China which is shrouded in uncertainty.

The changing situation has revealed the true features of some Western countries and their media outlets. Prior to the lockdown of Wuhan in January, certain Western media outlets accused China of "letting" the virus spread in China and being responsible for its spread beyond its border. But right now, it is hard to find criticisms over some Western countries' inaction amid the increasingly serious situation. After the Chinese government took drastic steps, the Western media again attacked China for so-called violation of human rights. But now, a few Western countries and regions are starting to copy China's moves, locking down cities and adopting stringent measures.

Linking up all the West's words and deeds over the past two months, one may find them ridiculous and pathetic. These self-contradictory and double-standard moves with no regard to basic facts expose their immorality and irresponsibility.

Fortunately, the Chinese government is determined, and the Chinese people can well discern between right and wrong and will hardly allow themselves to be at the mercy of Western-controlled international public opinion. After all, no matter what China does, the Western media outlets will find a reason to throw mud at it.

After the epidemic broke out in China, many countries and international organizations had expressed their support and provided substantial assistance. However, some Western media have looked on at China's misfortune with indifference and even taken pleasure in it. China, especially Hubei Province, suffered a serious shortage of face masks in the early days of the outbreak.

These infamous media outlets, however, instead of practicing "humanitarianism," which they always advocate, and offering a helping hand, scolded China with harsh words and little sympathy.

The difference between China and the West can also be seen at a glance regarding interactions with other countries and regions during the epidemic. Last week, Germany detained a shipment of 240,000 masks to Switzerland, a decision leading to a diplomatic spat, Bloomberg reported. Switzerland has already summoned the German ambassador to complain about its neighbor's move. For the sake of a truck of masks, the two Western countries put their images and traditional relations aside.

In contrast, despite some past frictions, the three Asian powers - China, Japan, and South Korea - have stood together amid the epidemic and set a good example for the rest of the world. Friendly interactions between the three governments and peoples during the ongoing epidemic fully embody the spirit of a community with a shared future. With the rise of isolationism and narrow-minded nationalism, such a spirit will shed substantial light on the new globalization trend in the post-epidemic era.

The author is an associate research fellow at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China.

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