Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Ethiopia Coronavirus Update April 28: Two More Positive Cases Confirmed, Total 126
Ethiopia’s Coronavirus case still not showing significant increase. Only two more cases confirmed on Tuesday

April 28, 2020

Ethiopia tested 1080 suspected Coronavirus cases over the past twenty-four hours and only two individuals have tested positive for the virus.

The two patients ( 42 and 50 years of age) had a travel history to the United Kingdom, and are British nationals. They were in mandatory quarantine after arrival in the country.

As reported yesterday, there are no patients in the Intensive Care Unit, and the status remains unchanged in that regard. 71 patients are in the treatment centers.

So far 50 patients have fully recovered from the virus, as announced by the Ministry of Health. Registered deaths still 3. Two of the confirmed cases were Japanese nationals , and have returned back to their country.

The total number of COVID 19 cases in the country including recovery, deaths, and individuals who are getting medical help in the designated treatment centers has now reached 126.

15,668 samples have been examined since Ethiopia started tests for COVID 19 cases over a month ago. There are about 12 testing centers across the country. The aim, as disclosed last week, is to test about 4000 samples per day.

Ethiopia’s policy responses to COVID 19 are still in place. Land borders to six neighboring countries remained close. All incoming travelers to the country are required to go through two weeks of mandatory quarantine. As it turns out, most of the COVID 19 cases in the country had a recent travel history.

Moreover, Ethiopia declared a state of emergency about three weeks ago to enforce social distancing and other prevention measures across the country.

As a result of CODID 19, Ethiopia is anticipating 11 percent economic decline. 

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