Monday, August 03, 2020

SASCO Statement on the Occasion of the 99th Anniversary of the SACP
2 August 2020

The South African Students’ Congress (SASCO) wishes its ideological guardian, the South African Communist Party (SACP) a more revolutionary morale and continued consistent fight against imperialism. As our party advances towards its centenary birth, we wish to reiterate that it must continue the fight and active campaigning for;

Overall transformation of the post-schooling sector and free education
The transformation of the financial sector;
The building of a non-racial society as it’s the first organisation in the land to be a non-racial organisation;
Continued fight against corruption and corporate capture of the state;
Actively campaign for the full implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI);
Ban of labour brokers;
Ultimate establishment of South African socialist state in our lifetime.

The vanguard role of the party is not a concept that belongs to history books and concepts that can be explained in its documents, but it is a role our party has earned in the battlefield through its consistency against oppressive policy positions of the apartheid regime and neo-colonial bourgeois democratic state. The South African working class always looks up to the communist party for leadership and the party must never fail our motive forces.

As the student movement a majority of our membership and general constituency largely comes from working class and poor backgrounds and thus our adoption of Marxism and Leninism as tools of analysis and a guide to action. In our country the communist party remains the only organisation founded on Marxist ideas and as members of communities, young people in general, young women, queer bodies, and prospective wage laboures we identify with the struggles waged by the SACP and in our own right we shall be members of the Party and actively participate in the life of the party.

The struggles ahead in our country require a focused party, the current political climate in our country where corruption is at its peak, ideological inclination of our broad movement is flip flopping, functioning of state organs and state owned entities are being paralysed by leaders of the liberation movement and the future prospects of a socialist South Africa are bleak as a result of these present day realities, the South African Communist Party and its individual leadership and base must take centre stage and lead the South African revolution.

We are not apologetic of our close association with the Party as it represents the future we want to see for ourselves and the children of this country. We will be commemorating all its historic struggles it waged throughout its existence as we advance towards it anniversary birth.

Long Live the SACP Long Live!!

Issued by SASCO NEC

Bamanye Matiwane (President), Buthanani Ngwane (Secretary General) at

For Enquiries:

Luvuyo Barnes
Media and Communication Liaison
079 393 7131

F: SASCO National | T: SASCO_Jikelele | IG: SASCO_National

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