Monday, August 03, 2020

Strengthening Quarantine Measures in Many Countries
On the first day, the South Korean authorities in South Korea's bang decided to implement strict measures to prevent the spread of the convective epidemic.

In these areas, people's outings and contact were restricted, masks were mandated, and public transportation was suspended during the rim.

In addition, it was forbidden to gather more than two people in public places other than workplaces, schools, and hospitals.

From 1 day in Bucharest, the capital of Rome, on 19th, wearing masks in public places including markets was mandatory.

These measures were taken in response to the occurrence of more than 1 000 infected people every day for nearly two weeks.

The Kuwaiti Civil Aviation Authority has announced that commercial flights to 31 countries with high risk of communicable disease transmission will be suspended until further notice.

Some restrictions have been eased in the UK as the number of new coronavirus infections is growing again.

As a result, the operation of service facilities with many people's contacts was prohibited. In England, it was said that indoor performances were not allowed until August 15th.

Chosun Central Communication

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