Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sudan’s SCoP Opposes Escalation Against Government, Slams Communist Party

August 20, 2020 (KHARTOUM) - The Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP) voiced its opposition to the escalation of the Resistance Committees against the transitional government, and openly criticized the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) which encourages protests against the government.

Omer al-Digair FFC leading member and SCOP leader reads an opposition joint statement outside the army headquarters on 8 April 2019 (ST Photo)The Resistance Committees in a number of neighbourhoods in the capital, Khartoum, launched a series of local protests against the use of force by the Sudanese police to disperse a protest last week calling for an inventory of the achievements of the government one year after the signing of the Constitutional Declaration in August 2019.

The protesters who sought to storm the headquarters of the cabinet blamed Hamdok government for failing to implement a package of reforms it had pledged to accomplish before mid-June.

The SCoP in Khartoum state condemned the protests against the civilian government saying it is counterproductive and creates a conducive environment for the counterrevolution elements to sabotage the economy, spread rumours and incite hatred against the civil state.

Dozens of protesters closed several streets near the centre of Khartoum, and some neighbourhoods including the Airport Street from the northern side, using burning tires and huge stones.

The statement went further to attack the Sudanese Communist Party and the newly elected pro-Communist leadership of the Sudanese Professional Association for their support to the escalation saying their position "indicates a high degree of irresponsibility and lack of credibility with the Sudanese people."

"The Communist Party is a partner in this government, its cadres are spread across its various structures, and bear any deficiencies in its performance. It is not right to shirk the work of its hand to cajole the mass movement."

The centre-left political party called on the political forces of the Forces for Freedom and Change to define their position vis-à-vis the transitional government.

"Either to support it and bear its success and failure or to oppose it," said the SCoP adding this second option requires "to be outside the ruling structures and the ruling political alliance."

The statement condemned the use of excessive violence by the police forces against Monday’s protests, calling for accountability for those involved in the violence.

The SCoP affirmed that it is working within the FFC to assist the transitional government to achieve peace, complete the transitional government structures, improve the performance of state institutions and achieve justice.

The statement to engage in a deep dialogue between all the components of the forces of the revolution, including the government, political parties or resistance committees to evaluate the performance of the government and agree on a joint plan of action.

The Sudanese Communist Party and the National Umma Party continued to criticise Hamdok government and threatened several times to with withdraw from the ruling coalition.


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