Thursday, December 10, 2020

20th Enlarged Meeting of Political Bureau of 7th Central Committee of WPK Held

The 20th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea was held at the office building of the WPK Central Committee on November 15 at a time when the 80-day campaign of loyalty is vigorously underway toward a new victory by tiding over manifold challenges and difficulties in the way of advance toward the 8th Party Congress under the leadership of the great WPK Central Committee.

Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and Supreme Commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, was present at the meeting.

The meeting was attended by members of the Presidium and members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee.

Present there as observers through the video conference system were officials of relevant departments of the WPK Central Committee, chairpersons of the provincial Party committees, the Minister of Public Security, the Director of the Central Public Prosecutors Office and the members of the state emergency epidemic prevention sector.

Upon authorization of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un presided over the meeting.

The meeting discussed in depth the issue of further tightening the state emergency epidemic prevention system in the face of the ever-worsening worldwide health crisis.

The Supreme Leader analyzed and assessed the serious worldwide spread of COVID-19 and the state epidemic prevention situation and clarified the tasks for the Party, military and economic fields to further tighten the emergency infectious disease prevention front, the major front of the 80-day campaign, and the ways to this end. He also stressed the need to keep a high alert, build a tight blockade wall and further intensify the epidemic prevention work, being aware of the very important responsibility for the security of the state and the wellbeing of the people.

The meeting reported the analyzed data on non-socialist practices in educational institutions and in society as a whole, and seriously discussed the issues to decisively root them out.

Sharply criticized at the meeting were the Party committee of Pyongyang University of Medicine as it committed a serious sort of crime, and the irresponsibility and extreme dereliction of duty of relevant departments of the WPK Central Committee, judicial and procuratorial organs and security organizations which shielded, connived and fostered the crime by failing to tighten the Party guidance over the university and the system of handling complaints, legal monitoring and control.

The meeting underscored the need to awaken the Party organizations at all levels once again to wage a more fierce Party-wide struggle to root out practices against the Party, the people and socialism and the need for the law-enforcement organs, in particular, to intensify the legal control so as to ensure that beautiful socialist traits are maintained in the overall socio-political, economic and moral life.

The Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee made a deep study and discussion of agenda items and set forth important tasks, and adopted relevant decisions with unanimous approbation.



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