Sunday, December 20, 2020

Rwanda Reports 78 More Covid-19 Cases

By Lavie Mutanganshuro

New Times

December 18, 2020

Seventy-eight people tested positive for Covid-19 in Rwanda on Thursday, December 17.

This is according to results obtained from 3,054 sample tests taken in the last 24 hours.

This reflects a continued streak of many cases that started on Thursday last week, where daily cases have been above 50.

According to the Ministry of Health, of the latest infections, 36 were identified among contacts of previously confirmed cases. 

Meanwhile, 17 Covid-19 cases were detected in Huye district, 13 in Musanze district, and five in Rubavu district.

Burera, Muhanga, Nyanza, Nyamagabe, Gicumbi, Kayonza and Nyagatare districts confirmed a single Covid-19 case each.

Overall, Rwanda so far has 7,032 confirmed cases of Covid-19, of whom 6,089 have recovered already.

The country's covid-19 death toll stands at 57.

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