Sunday, December 06, 2020

Sudan’s FFC Urge al-Burhan to Review His Partnership’s Decree

SC, TG and FFC tripartite meeting on 28 October 2019 (SUNA photo)December 5, 2020 

(KHARTOUM) - The Forces for Freedom and Changes (FFC) Saturday rejected the powers conferred to the Transition Partners Council (TPC) and urged al-Burhan to review his decision.

Dated on 1 December, the decision was not published by the Sovereign Council or in the Journal Official. It was leaked on 3 December.

According to the decision, the Council consists of 29 members, including 13 members representing the FFC, 6 members representing the military component of the Sovereign Council, and 7 members representing the factions of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front, in addition to the Prime Minister and two members to designated after the eastern Sudan conference.

Under the decision, the new body is chaired by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and included Abdel Rahim Daglo who is not a member of the Sovereign Council. The latter is the brother of Mohamed Hamdan Daglo ’Hemetti’ and the Second Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

Following a meeting on Saturday, the FFC groups stated that powers conferred to the new body are inconsistent with the Article 80 of the Amended Transitional Constitutional Document.

The decree "was not presented to the Forces for Freedom and Change before its issuance and gave the council powers that divert it away from the coordinating nature for which it was established," stressed the FFC.

Accordingly, the FFC urged to cancel the disputed powers and called for discussions on the matter.

Al-Burhan in his decision said the TPC directs the transitional period and resolves divergences. Also, "any other powers necessary to implement its competencies and exercise its powers".

Under this decision, the TPC can interfere in the government attributions, but also obstruct the transitional parliament.

The Al-Arabiya TV, released on its website statements attributed to al-Burhan saying that the TPC was the initiative if the FFC.

"The Sovereign Council and the Council of Ministers agreed to approve the TPC, and it was formed unanimously in accordance with the constitutional document."

The statement dodged the contested issued of the large powers conferred to the new body and the appointment of Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok as a TPC member while it was agreed to appoint him as alternate chairman of the Council.

Minni Minnawi, the head of the Sudan Liberation Movement and a chairman of a SRF faction twitted on Saturday rejecting a statement by Ibrahim al-Sheikh on Friday about the need to review al-Burhan decree on the TPC.

"This is the most dangerous thing I have read. It may change the smooth mood that came after November 15th," Minnawi wrote.

The SRF led by Hadi Idris did not issue a statement on this respect.


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