Monday, January 25, 2021

WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Un Has Photo Session with Members of 8th Party Central Leadership Body

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, met and had a meaningful photo session with the newly-elected members of the 8th Party central leadership body at the venue of the Party Congress on January 18.

The venue was full of warm reverence and loyalty of all the participants for the respected General Secretary who posted them to heavy, honourable and important positions of the Party central leadership body at the crucial moment in the course of the development of the Party and socialist construction of our own style and summoned them to the historic venue of the Party Congress to bestow great loving care and comradely trust in them.

When Kim Jong Un appeared at the venue, all the participants broke into enthusiastic cheers of "Hurrah!", looking up to him who has developed the Party into an invincible party leading the revolutionary cause of Juche with his outstanding ideas and theories and seasoned and experienced guidance and opened up a new era of the great powerful country by victoriously advancing the construction of our own style of socialism.

Warmly waving back to the cheering participants, the General Secretary once again warmly congratulated them on their election as members of the 8th leadership body of the dignified WPK as a token of deep trust and expectations of all the Party members and other people.

He said that the members of the Party central leadership body, the core of the WPK, should display a high sense of responsibility and devotion in the struggle to implement the tasks set forth at the 8th Party Congress, always remembering the gigantic trust of all the Party members expecting them to make more responsible efforts for the firm unity of the Party and its dignified leading authority and the brilliant implementation and victory of the fighting programme.

Expressing his belief and expectations that they would deeply cherish the noble idea that the people are God and the idea of dedicating to the people, remain boundlessly faithful to the people-first principle and fulfill with success their responsibility and duty as leading officials of the revolution in the sacred struggle for a new victory in the building of our own style of socialism, he had a photo session with them.

The newly-elected members of the Party central leadership body took a firm oath to bring about prosperity and development of our own style of socialism by faithfully upholding the great leadership of the General Secretary in a single mind with the great honour and trust put on them by him.



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