Friday, July 02, 2021

CPC Continues to Hold Zimbabwe’s Hand

03 JUL, 2021 - 00:07 

Photo: President Mnangagwa and President Xi Jinping

Tendai Chirau Correspondent for Zimbabwe Herald

The Zanu PF Youth League joins the progressive nation of China in celebrating the attainment of 100 years of robust existence by the Communist Party of China, established in 1921 in Shanghai, and marked by defining contributions to world peace and progress. 

As we mark the CPC’s auspicious centennial milestone in 2021, we join our President and Zanu PF First Secretary, His Excellency Cde Mnangagwa, in extending warmest congratulations and best wishes. 

We pay homage to the general secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Cde Xi Jinping and the progressive people of the Chinese Republic.

Despite enduring historically bad times, China has continued undaunted in its focus on making life better for people globally. As Zanu PF Youth League, we humbly appreciate the evolution of the CPC from the “great leap forward” era around 1958-1960, to reforms under pragmatic luminaries such as Cdes Deng Xiaoping, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. Under Cde Xi Jinping, the revolutionary CPC has definitely spearheaded China’s injection of new momentum in shaping the future world order — politically and economically — cementing China’s all-important goal of overcoming poverty, the defining vision and ethos of iconic party founding chairman Mao Tse Tung. 

The century has indeed, been a solid 100 years full of activity!

China and Zimbabwe have a profound traditional friendship, and we join these centennial celebrations in full cognisance of the dear place Zimbabweans reserve for China as an all-weather friend and strategic partner, who has continued to help us since the days of our liberation struggle against colonial bondage. 

Our incumbent President, Cde Mnangagwa, continues to exude Chinese-gained political strategic and statecraft acumen, having benefited from formative libreration war-era training stints at the CPC-run Peking University’s School of Marxism, and at the high-profile Nanking Military Academy, among others. China indeed continues to hold our hand in the post-independence period, as we seek to leap-frog decades of stagnation and continue to record significant gains in social, economic and technological development, principally in the fields of education, health and industry. 

Under the enduring auspices of this great bond, via various scholarships, many young Zimbabweans continue to receive top-notch tertiary education at Chinese institutions, facilitating the vital technological and cultural exchange pivotal to our own socio-economic progress in this highly digitised era.

As youths, we reaffirm our resolve to continue strengthening the bonds of amity and cooperation between the Communist Youth League of China and the ZANU PF Youth League; promoting international friendship through exchange programmes, alleviating poverty, promoting education, popularising science, culture and art, advancing sports and tourism as we combat challenges faced by young Zimbabweans, among other issues.

 We attach great importance to enhancing our already comprehensive strategic partnership, which creates precious opportunities for the development of the youth of both sides. 

As young patriotic revolutionaries, we look forward to grander achievements under China’s envisaged “resurrection of the great Chinese nation by 2049” and our President Cde ED Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030. 

As we continue to learn from the great people of China, we solemnly pledge to continue to work hand in hand to contribute to the construction of a community of common destiny for China and Zimbabwe. 

Congratulations Communist Party of China! 

To the everlasting prosperity of a greater China in the coming century! 

Cadre Tendai Chirau is the Zanu PF Central Committee and Politburo member and acting Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs

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