Thursday, August 19, 2021

Ethiopia Praises Cuba’s Human Rights Council Support

August 19, 2021


ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia has appreciated the support of Cuba at the United Nations Human Rights Council on July 13.

In an interview with Prensa Latina, Ethiopian Ambassador to Cuba Shibru Mamo applauded the support of Cuba to Ethiopia at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

According to him, the Council’s resolution does not take into account the ongoing investigations by the Human Rights Office and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, whereas, Cuba has supported Ethiopia by taking Ethiopian efforts into consideration.

Ethio-Cuban relations are historic, long-standing, and deep rooted and with a solid foundation based on blood during the defense of Ethiopia’s sovereignty in the 1970s, he underlined.

 Besides, the bilateral relations have been strengthened over the years in the execution of cooperation programs on several fields namely health, education, science and technology, he said.

Ambassador Shibru further explained that the situation in Ethiopia with a particular reference to the Tigray region needs to be solved by their own right as it is an internal affair.

Accordingly, over the last eight months the Government of Ethiopia made all possible efforts to free the state from the scourge of the terrorist Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), as well as to ensure the rule of law, rebuild the infrastructure destroyed by the TPLF that launched attacks in the Amhara and Afar states endangering the lives of civilians, perpetrated massacres of civilians and plundered properties.

Worst even, the TPFL prohibited the distribution of food aid to the population of Tigray who refused to join its unlawful factional moves, he added.

The ambassador also said, “The Grand Ethiopian Renaissances Dam (GERD) and its second filling as it hasn’t caused any significant harm on riparian countries peculiarity on Egypt and Sudan. He also elucidated that the truth behind the GERD has been vividly revealed, and Ethiopia’s position about GERD negotiations, which is led by the African Union, is a potential means to come up with a win-win and lasting solution.

The Ethiopian Herald August 19/2021

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