Friday, August 13, 2021

Ethiopians to Rally Against EU’s Silence on Afar Massacre

August 13, 2021


ADDIS ABABA— Ethiopians in Brussels, Belgium, are going to stage a rally today with a view to urging the European Union (EU), some western countries and foreign media outlets to break silence and well comprehend the reality on the ground in Ethiopia instead of being partisan flooded by TPLF misinformation.

Rally Coordinator, Zerihun Asefaw (PhD) told local media that the main purpose of the demonstration is to expose the atrocities perpetrated by the terrorist group in Ethiopia and inform the international community about the reality thereby urging them to join Ethiopian government efforts in the fight against the terrorist TPLF Junta instead of turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the issue.

 According to Zerihun, the terrorist TPLF has been continuing various dishonorable activities across the nation. For example, the terrorist group killed a number of innocent children, and gets many others displaced in various areas of the country, even recently, it has killed over 240 civilians in Galicoma and Ewa districts in Afar State. Of this figure, over 170 of them are innocent children. However, no foreign media or EU has reported and denounced this evil act, except UNICEF and Aljazeera.

Therefore, the situation forces us to request like, “What is the main purpose of the EU and foreign media towards our country, because they have been exploiting biased information instead of telling the facts what has been going on in Ethiopia.”

 He further added that the EU and foreign media silence over the killings of innocent citizens, displaced people, property destruction and their being partisan merely disseminating TPLF falsehood fabrications is absolutely unacceptable and not expected of them at all.

 If peace and good relations are sought with Ethiopia, the international community should expose the reality, condemn the terrorist TPLF brutal acts via providing the issues with priority and giving value to human life, he underlined.

The Ethiopian Herald August 13/2021

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