Sunday, August 15, 2021

Harrowing Stories of IDPs in Afar


Zahra Ibrahim, who is almost in her final week of pregnancy, had led a happy life with family in Kelwan town of Afar State before she was forced to leave her home by the terrorist TPLF’s indiscriminate attacks that targeted her neighborhood.

The attack forced her, her husband and other residents to travel about 250 kilometers crossing four towns to save their lives. After a long journey on foot, they entered the town of Logia, which is 300 kilometers away from Zahra’s home in Kelwan.

Now, she and other displaced people are sheltered at Logia Secondary School, a facility turned to be a resting place for those displaced by the terrorist’s heinous attacks. Whilst in the camp, Zahra gave birth “I have never thought about giving birth in this kind of difficult situation and life’s tough for anyone in the camp particularly for those with little kids.”

According to her, officials of various organizations including UNICEF visited the displaced people in the camp and promised to provide humanitarian aid, however, the victims have not yet got any kind of emergency support. As a mother of a newborn baby, I am immensely troubled by the condition.”

Semira Mohammed, another displaced woman, said that she was forced to travel 300 kilometers on foot to save her life from rebel’s attack as fighting intensified in the area, but she does not know where her families are. Due to lack of transportation, Semira’s mother and others could not reach the camp or other safe place.

She noted that there are children who lost their partners due to TPLF’s merciless attacks, adding that the latter are experiencing psychological trauma. “Now, the people sheltered in Logia Secondary School are in critical condition and we are vulnerable to hunger, thirst and psychological sickness.”

As for Mohamed Ahmed, another refugee from Kelwan town, they are looking for more humanitarian support and have strong belief in the government’s capability to restore peace and stability and return them to their homes and properties shortly.

All things remained in our villages and nothing remained with us. TPLF looted and plundered our villages and looted our properties. The criminals have also burnt down our homes and let our camels and goats to be devoured by hyenas.

The Ethiopian Herald August 14/2021

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