Saturday, November 27, 2021

When it Comes to Ethiopia`s Sovereignty, Everyone is a Soldier

November 27, 2021


Art is part and parcel of a given society. This is especially true for those ancient countries that have their own unique cultural identity which is not spoiled by Western culture. Ethiopia, as a nation of thousands of years, has such reality. Before the emergence of modern art, Ethiopians have had skilled artists. Before the world knew about modern painting, Ethiopians had been using all traditional technologies to express their feelings and inspire the masses through music, painting, poetry and other similar creative works.

Though some of the values are poisoned by globalization, this culture is still intact in Ethiopia. Despite all economic challenges and political pressures, Ethiopians are manifesting the true identity of Ethiopia through art. This culture is manifesting itself these days, where external pressure is mounting on the nation. However, depending on the kind of professions they engaged in, Ethiopians have stood together to defend their country thereby to pass a united and proud Ethiopia for the future generations. Lately, this writer had a chance to meet one of the talented Ethiopian painters, who portrayed Ethiopia in a unique way.

Despite these internal and external pressures, Ethiopians have got closer than ever. All the dramas the Western powers are performing to discredit Ethiopian unity and strength did not cripple Ethiopians even for a fraction of seconds. All the attempts to weaken the moral value of the youth have failed time and again.

Using the terrorist TPLF as instrument, Western powers have tried almost every means to threaten Ethiopian unity. However, the strong Ethiopian sentiment among the citizen is getting stronger and the terrorist group is being punished. Despite all the challenges every Ethiopian is contributing his/her share for the good of the nation.On his painting, AshenafiMeteku, has represented Ethiopia with a young and beautiful woman crying while her face is full of smiles and hope. In the background, there is an Ethiopian map decorated with red, yellow and green colors and at the top of the woman, there is an image of crucified Jesus.

As to Ashenafi, the crucified symbol at the top of the picture represents Ethiopians’ trust in their creator. No matter what their differences, Ethiopians always give priority to spiritual life. Depending on the type of religion they follow (Christianity, Islam or any other), Ethiopians always pray before moving into the warfront. Ethiopians always give priority for divine intervention.

The woman represents all the challenges, sufferings and ups and downs that the nation is passingthrough at this point in time.However, as nothing persists for long, herpain will too diminish and gets relief. Her misery would be replaced by happiness.

 As the painting depicts, the pain and the suffering of the woman is easily noticeable. This is similar to Ethiopia’s current cases. However, the heavy storm that Ethiopia is traversing now will come to an end very soon. The combined hands of Ethiopians will silence the storm and bring about Ethiopia’s peace.

Ethiopia comes first, says Ashenafi. “No matter what your economic situation or political stand is, Ethiopia comes first. What is more, all the current external pressure on Ethiopia comes from the fear of the great Ethiopia that would be the model country for other African countries and a threat to the Western powers.

The history of the nation has witnessed that Ethiopia is a great nation with unique civilization and cultural identity. All the past battles Ethiopia fought are true indications of the greatness of Ethiopia. The Western powers need not to see Ethiopia to be a role model for other African countries. That is why they are trying their best to cripple the nation through orchestrating hybrid war.

“As an artist, I have tried my best to show the world who Ethiopians are; plus as the bright days comes to Ethiopia and Ethiopians in the near future. When national sovereignty is at stake, every Ethiopian is a warrior. Being a fighter does not always mean holding a gun. If genuinely capitalizes on their talent, every Ethiopian is a fighter. Art has great power to convey messages and mobilize the mass. Developed nations are using art to inspire and motivate their people. In this regard, we should apply art in all its forms to build the image of the nation and motivate the people for a better future.”

GeteabAbebaw is the friend of Ashenafi and; he is art lover. When asked his personal feeling towards the painting, he said, Ethiopia is an independent nation with courageous people. All attempts to demoralize Ethiopian people have failed several times. This new generation is repeating the same deed as its forefathers. Using all opportunities the youth are expressing Ethiopia`s invincibility. Ashenafi`s painting is one good example.

The Ethiopian Herald November 27/2021

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