Monday, February 14, 2022

Zimbabwe 'Puppets Will Never Rule'

14 FEBRUARY 2022

The Herald (Harare)

Kwaramba — Political Editor

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has said the door is open for former opposition officials who defected to the ruling Zanu PF party to rise through the ranks just like all other members.

Addressing thousands of Zanu PF supporters in Epworth on Saturday at a star rally to launch the governing party's campaign for the March 26 by-elections, the President said the country's Western-sponsored opposition will never rule Zimbabwe because their puppetry was apparent to everyone.

He said the Second Republic is implementing policies that resonate with the masses while the opposition has been running down urban areas. The President said the upcoming by-elections present an ideal opportunity for the electorate to choose Zanu PF candidates as the party has their interests at heart.

"This huge turnout is a demonstration of the confidence that the people have in Zanu PF. In the past there was an MP from the opposition in this constituency but now people have seen the light and will be voting for Zanu PF.

"There were some people who thought what happened in Zambia (where the opposition won the elections) will happen here, munhu anogona kufamba kubva muno kunosvika kuChina netsoka opposition isati yasvika paState House.

"You are demonstrating to the whole world that the country should be run by its people and not puppets. Zimbabweans should elect their leaders. I am aware that when we had primary elections there were challenges, however, the ruling party has no place for crooks. If you are among such people, stop that behaviour forthwith because you joined the party that was always there before you and a party that has its rules."

Before the President's address, former MDC officials represented by Cde Blessing Chebundo pledged to lure more people to the revolutionary party as they condemned the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) for lacking wisdom and being corrupt.

Cde Chebundo said thousands of former MDC officials joined Zanu PF because they were charmed by the policies that were being implemented by the Second Republic that have transformed Zimbabwe in a short space of time.

Responding to Cde Chebundo's speech, the President urged the party structures to open the doors to those from the opposition who still want to join the home of revolution.

"Our structures of the party from the cell to the highest level should understand that peace, love and unity are the DNA of Zanu PF. As Zanu PF, we should welcome those defecting from other parties. They will rise through the ranks just as you can," the President said.

Preaching, love, peace, and unity, the President added that youths should be patient and emulate the senior leadership.

"The journey of this country's independence started with many people but some have long gone. Harare was the home of the country's liberators, youth should be patient, and emulate the works of your seniors. Our colossal revolutionary party is strong in this constituency."

The forthcoming by-elections for 28 parliamentary seats and 104 for the local authorities emanated mostly from recalls in the ever-squabbling opposition, deaths, and dismissals and the President said they offer Zimbabweans a chance to remove the deadwood from both the Parliament and local authorities.

"There were some who were saying I don't want to have by-elections because I fear defeat, but there was Covid-19 so as leaders we took measures to save the lives of the people, such gatherings in the past would have been super-spreaders of the disease.

"Things have almost normalised and we are now going to have them. We told those who were pushing us to have elections to conduct them in their countries."

The President also enunciated policies that the Second Republic has implemented in the past years that include industrialisation, modernisation, infrastructural development, and job creation as part of his Government's aim to implement development that leaves no one and no place behind towards Vision 2030 of becoming an upper middle-class economy.

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