Sunday, July 17, 2022

Ethiopians Would Prevail at the End!

July 17, 2022 

 Despite the series of challenges that it is facing now, Ethiopia will pass the ordeal and continue to shine again as a symbol of freedom and developmental success. Auspicious and optimistic Ethiopians never lose hope and surrender to the temporary challenges that are often posed as traps to their glorious march towards prosperity.

Challenges are not new to the people and the country. If we see the modern history of the country, Ethiopians have beaten the various troubles that are apparently difficult to pass. For instance, when Emperor Menelik II started consolidating the modern state of Ethiopia he had just to deal with the after math of war and conflict waged against the country by external forces. In addition, he also had to face the backbreaking consequences of the massive extermination about 90 percent of the cattle in the country due to an unprecedented type of cattle disease. This was a very severe strike on the back of the country’s economy with a capacity of building nation and fending of foreign enemy.

However, the reality that happened on the ground was paradoxically to the contrary. The people from all corners of the country joined hands and fought the invading Italian forces and defeated them at the battle of Adwa. As a result, the victory at Adwa is still remembered as a didactic source of inspiration both for nations as well as individuals to fight for one’s freedom and sovereignty despite being poor or backward. Sovereignty is not to be compromised under any circumstance.

Regarding endurance of challenges to guarantee ones rights and dignity the victory at Adwa is only the first incident. Many such incidents have occurred in the country throughout the decades that followed.

For instance, the country was invaded by the fascist Italian forces and brutally attacked in the 1930s. Further, the country has fought bloody war with Somalia since the 1950s that continued to the 1980s.It has also suffered a protracted civil war with various armed groups. In almost all of the wars that the country fought there was heavy handed involvement of foreign forces who would like to discharge their objectives through proxies either at home or neighboring countries. But all these efforts were thwarted in the same way as the occupation forces faced at the Battle of Adwa.

Those who try to exploit the unmet needs of groups in Ethiopia and neighboring countries do not take lesson from their failure at the battle of Adwa and still have continued to stir war and conflict in the country.

The recent incident along the Ethio-Sudanese border is also outcome of such intervention of foreign forces. Their hands also extend to their proxies, TPLF and Shene who are conspiring to carry out the terrorist massacre and aggression to make sure that the demands of their bosses are met.

Yet these attempts have hardly succeeded. As Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) told members of parliament recently, the country has faced grey war because of the foreign intervention.

After realizing that they cannot succeed in the civil war and terrorist aggression these antagonistic forces have turned to extort the country by levying sanctions and spreading fake news. But the hard truth is all their efforts would never come true in the face of the people that have conquered brutal aggression.

The only problem they may create is to cause the decimation of innocent civilians through their proxies and destructive propaganda war. All sides must understand that it is only a matter of time until Ethiopians come out victorious conquering all the odds posed against them.

The Ethiopian Herald 17 July 2022

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