Saturday, January 21, 2023

Enlarged Plenary Meeting of the Cabinet Held

The Cabinet held an enlarged plenary meeting on January 20 through the video conferencing.

Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and premier of the Cabinet, presided over the meeting.

The meeting was attended by Vice-premiers Pak Jong Gun and Yang Sung Ho and other members of the Cabinet.

Present there as observers were officials of institutions under the direct control of the Cabinet and ministries, chairpersons of provincial, city and county people’s committees, and officials of agricultural guidance organs and major factories and enterprises.

The meeting discussed measures for implementing the important tasks set forth at the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK.

Kim Tok Hun delivered a report.

He called on all officials to successfully carry out the national economic plan of their sectors and units by arming themselves with the idea of the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth WPK Central Committee and improving their work style and attitude and thus make a tangible contribution to laying a decisive guarantee for the fulfillment of the five-year plan and making this year a year of great turn and change.

Speeches were made.

The meeting made public measures for the problems advanced by the participants concerning the work of the Cabinet and the administrative and economic work of the state, and adopted with unanimous approval relevant resolutions which reflected more detailed and scientific practical ways.


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