Thursday, February 09, 2023

KPA Demonstrates Its Invincible Might under Brilliant Commanders

The Korean People’s Army, the regular revolutionary armed forces in Korea, was founded on February 8, Juche 37 (1948). It was a historic event of great significance in carving out the destiny of the nation and the country.

The founding of the KPA, which inherited the glorious revolutionary traditions of the anti-Japanese armed struggle, enabled the country and the people to step up the building of a prosperous country, reliably defending the dignity and sovereignty by relying on their own strength.

75 years of the KPA is a history of victory and glory in which it has been steadily strengthened under the leadership of brilliant commanders.

President Kim Il Sung, who set forth the army-building line right after Korea’s liberation (August 15, 1945), founded the KPA by directing primary efforts to this end and led the Fatherland Liberation War (June 25, 1950–July 27, 1953) to brilliant victory. And he developed it into a-match-for-a-hundred militant ranks that were firmly prepared politically and ideologically, militarily and technologically.

Chairman Kim Jong Il advanced the programme of modelling the whole army on Kimilsungism and strengthened it into the invincible army which is loyal to the cause of the Workers’ Party of Korea and securely guarantees the national defence and socialist construction by force of arms, smashing the enemy’s schemes to unleash a new war at every step.

It was his immortal exploits that he built up the motive force of the revolution by strengthening in every way the politico-ideological might of the KPA and advanced the socialist cause along the road to victory in the 1990s when the Korean revolution was faced with the most trying ordeals.

Today, the KPA is ushering in a heyday of its development under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Un clarified modelling the whole army on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the general objective of army-building and strengthened it into the elite revolutionary army that is strong in ideology and faith and capable of defeating any formidable enemy at a stroke.

He put forward such unique ideas and lines as developing the revolutionary armed forces into the elite and strong army, kindled the hot wind of such mass movements as the movement of winning the title of Guards Unit and the movement to become crack shots, ensured that steel-strong military discipline was established, and personally organized and guided actual war-like drills and training competitions. Thanks to his energetic leadership, the KPA’s combat efficiency has been enhanced remarkably.

He dispatched the KPA to the most difficult and labour-consuming sites of socialist construction and led it to establish an iron rule and military climate of making devoted efforts for the people.

The monumental structures representative of the era and the beautiful villages built in different parts of the country are associated with the fighting spirit and work style of the KPA that creates a thing out of nothing and turns misfortune into blessings by displaying indefatigable mental power with a firm resolution to go through thick and thin without any slightest vacillation and hesitation, if they are for the sake of the country and the people.

Under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, the KPA will as ever demonstrate its invincible might as the elite army.

Kim Tong Il


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