Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Israeli Genocide of Palestinians Compares to Hitler's Actions: Maduro

By Al Mayadeen English

Venezuela's President hails protesters all over the world who demonstrated in rejection of Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza.

"Israel's" bombing of mosques, hospitals, churches, and inhabited residential buildings compare to the practices of the Nazi fascist Adolf Hitler, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro stated.

"The world stood up for Palestine," Maduro emphasized, in reference to popular demonstrations in support of Gaza and the Palestinian cause all over the world.

The Venezuelan President pointed to massive crowds that took to the streets in New York, Paris, Madrid, Jakarta, Istanbul, and Venezuela's Caracas. Maduro said that free people all across the globe united their voices and condemned the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Maduro described the recent protest in the Spanish capital as "the largest protest Madrid has witnessed in 40 years," where protestors declared, "This is not a war; it is a direct genocide by the Zionists."

These statements from the Venezuelan President come as the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip enters its 25th day. The number of martyrs has exceeded 8,300, with hundreds of victims still stuck under the rubble. "Israel" has intensified its bombing of the Gaza Strip, leaving "no safe zone" where civilians could seek refuge. 

Thousands march in Caracas

Earlier on Friday, thousands of people in Caracas demonstrated in support of the Palestinian people, rejecting the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

"This [the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza] has awakened worldwide solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people," Diosdado Cabello, vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela said at the protest.

Cabello stressed that Palestine "will be free", adding that the occupied territories "will be returned and the rule of law will prevail in the world."

The official emphasized Venezuela's position on the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip saying, "We demand an immediate end to violence," in reference to the genocidal actions carried out by Israeli occupation forces.

Venezuelan-Israeli relations severed since 2009

Caracas severed relations with "Israel" back in 2009, when late revolutionary leader Hugo Chavez called out "Israel" for its aggression on Gaza, describing it as "state terrorism."

The Venezuelan government expelled the Israeli ambassador in January of that year and called on the International Criminal Court to try the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, for war crimes. In April of that year, Caracas recognized the independence of the State of Palestine and established official relations with it.

On October 13, current Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro confirmed that his country is on the front line of solidarity with Palestine, stressing that "Bolivarianism cannot remain silent in the face of injustice."

He urged an immediate halt to the Palestinian people's suffering, the implementation of a ceasefire, and the initiation of negotiations based on United Nations agreements, while respecting the resolutions of both the Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly.

In his speech during the reopening of the Liberator's Birthplace and the Bolivarian Museum, located in the historic center of Caracas, Maduro called for "peace in the Gaza Strip." 

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