Tuesday, October 31, 2023

‘Until the Aggression Stops’: Yemen’s Houthis Say They Launched Missiles, Drones at Israel

October 31, 2023

Yahya Saree, the military spokesman for Yemen's Houthis. (Photo: Al-Jazeera, video grab)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff

Yahya Saree, the military spokesman for Yemen’s Ansar Allah group (Houthis), said in a video on Tuesday that the group claimed responsibility for the launch of missiles and drones at Israeli targets.

The group also threatened to carry out more strikes “until the Israeli aggression stops.”

“We, driven by a sense of religious, moral, human, and national responsibility, as well as the demands of free peoples and our duty to support our oppressed brothers in Gaza, the Yemeni armed forces had no choice but to fulfill their duty, placing their trust in God, in support of the historical injustice suffered by the beloved Palestinian people,” Saree said in a video.

“Our armed forces have launched a significant batch of ballistic and cruise missiles, along with a large number of drones, targeting various Israeli enemy locations in the occupied territories,” Saree continued, adding that “this (..) is the third operation in solidarity with our oppressed brothers in Palestine.”

“We affirm their commitment to continue executing more precision strikes with missiles and drones until the Israeli aggression stops,” Saree also said.

“We emphasize that the Yemeni people’s stance on the Palestinian issue is firm and principled, and that the Palestinian people have the full right to self-defense and to attain their legitimate rights in full.”

Israel has, thus far, killed over 8,500 Palestinians in Gaza, including 3,457 children, and wounded more than 21,000. Palestinian Ministry of Health reports and international organizations say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

Despite a massive Israeli military buildup around the Gaza borders and sporadic infiltrations on the outskirts of the besieged Strip, Palestinian Resistance continues to repel Israeli attacks.

To justify its military failure, the Israeli army continues to pound civilian homes throughout the Gaza Strip with new massacres reported everywhere in the besieged enclave.

Gaza has been under a tight Israeli military siege since 2007, following a democratic election in occupied Palestine, the results of which were rejected by Tel Aviv and Washington. 

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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