Sunday, December 03, 2023

Sources: Yemen Barred from WFP Aid over Palestine Support - Exclusive

By Al Mayadeen English

2 Dec 2023 23:32

Sources tell Al Mayadeen that the suspension of WFP aid to Sanaa is merely for political reasons.

Sources revealed to Al Mayadeen significant information about the decision to halt the UN World Food Programme (WFP) aid to Sanaa.

The sources pointed out that the funding that the WFP received until September 2023 amounted to $1.16 billion, surpassing the previous year by $60 million, which indicates that the decision to suspend aid to Sanaa is merely political.

The sources highlighted that WFP ceased humanitarian aid designated for the Yemeni people in areas governed by Sanaa, while aid continued to reach regions under the control of "mercenaries". This confirms the political nature of the decision, linked to Sanaa's supportive stance toward Palestine, according to the sources.

The sources emphasized that halting aid exposes a US political stance against Yemeni operations targeting Israeli sites in occupied Palestinian territories, pointing out that this American position heightened following the capture of the Israeli ship in the Red Sea by the Yemeni Armed Forces.

Furthermore, the sources highlighted that the decision to halt aid to Sanaa comes despite tonnes of food stored in the WFP's warehouses, which, along with other materials, risk expiration and spoilage.

The sources told Al Mayadeen that the United States reportedly used humanitarian aid via the World Food Programme as a tool to starve the Yemeni population, adding that this American exploitation signifies the politicization of the WFP, which violates international humanitarian law.

In this context, the sources stated that the World Food Program in Yemen aligns with the Israeli aggression and adheres to US directives calling for aid cessation. This action is viewed as a form of "punishment" to the Yemeni people to pressure them into abandoning their core cause, Palestine, and to cease targeting the Israeli occupation, as per the sources.

On Friday, thousands of Yemenis roamed the streets of Sanaa in support of Palestine and the Palestinian people amid the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. The demonstration statement underlined that Yemenis will continue to support Palestinians until they achieve full freedom and independence.

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