Friday, May 10, 2024

Ghana: Nandom Boys SHS Goes First As Beneficiary Of 1 Student; 1 Tablet Policy

By Alhassan Tajudeen 

May 10, 2024

Nandom Boys Shs Goes First As Beneficiary Of Student; Tablet Policy

Nandom Boys Senior High School received a donation of 1,138 tablets from the Ministry of Education, under the government’s policy initiative, “1 Student; 1 Tablet.”

The tablets were officially handed over to the students by the Upper West Regional Minister, Hon. Stephen Yakubu, during a ceremony held at the school premises on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024.

With a population of 1,136, every student will receive a tablet according to the policy requirements.

Addressing the gathering, the school prefect expressed a heartfelt appreciation for the donation saying “We know how much these equipment are going to help us,” the prefect remarked.

“Previously, we had only the library for our research work, and our ICT center was virtually empty. This donation will go a long way to help us enhance our educational status quo.”

Emphasizing the pioneering role of Nandom Boys SHS as the first beneficiary of the “1 Student; 1 Tablet” policy in the Upper West Region, the prefect extended gratitude to the Ministry of Education and the Upper West Regional Minister for their unwavering support.

“We as students of Nandom Senior High would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Ministry of Education for this great gesture,” the prefect stated, acknowledging the historic significance of the school’s role in spearheading this transformative initiative.

In an interview with Zakaria, the Health Prefect, on the sidelines, the sentiment of excitement and anticipation was obvious.

“We are very excited. I think this is the first time, and for our badge, this is something new,” Zakaria exclaimed.

“What they have given us is going to help us in our academic performance, and we will be able to use them to raise our results in this particular WASCE exam we are about to write.”

The joy and gratitude expressed by students like Zakaria were echoed by Isaac, who expressed disbelief and overwhelming gratitude for the unexpected donation.

“I never thought this was going to come to pass because we all heard the rumors that they were to give us tablets. I am just amazed, I don’t know what to say,” Isaac expressed.

“God should bless them and help us use them wisely and successfully.”

Salam, another student, emphasized the commitment of the school to utilize the donated tablets for the benefit of all students.

“These items that are being delivered to us will be used for the benefit of the students,” Salam affirmed.

The significance of the donation was further emphasized by Stephen Yakubu, the Upper West Regional Minister during his speech.

“In any country that takes its education seriously, education affects your life. It affects your life and your future,” the Minister remarked.

The Minister emphasized the importance of cherishing and utilizing the tablets for their intended purpose while urging students to use the gadgets responsibly.

“Let me plead on behalf of the government that you should use it very carefully. You should use it with the reason why it is given to you. You should not go and dash it to someone else. Don’t go and show off with it. That’s why there is a bag. Always make sure it is always in the bag.”

With the support of the government and other stakeholders, the students are poised to harness the transformative power of technology to unlock their full potential and shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

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