Sunday, May 26, 2024

Governments Fail to Reach Consensus on Pandemic Prevention Agreement

By Roger A. Agana 

May 26, 2024

This photo taken on May 21, 2023 shows the logo of the World Health Organization (WHO) with the WHO headquarters in the background in Geneva, Switzerland. (Xinhua/Lian Yi)

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has released a statement following the failure of member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) to reach a consensus on a new agreement or treaty focused on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

“If the governments of the world cannot agree on actions to prevent the next pandemic of zoonotic origin, we and future generations will all pay the price,” the statement emphasizes.

The outcome of these negotiations will be reviewed by the WHO’s World Health Assembly next week, where decisions on how to proceed with the process will be made. The WCS highlighted the importance of multilateralism, noting that while much can be done at the national level, unilateral actions are insufficient in an interconnected world of over 8 billion people.

The WCS underscores that reaching a global consensus is crucial for preventing and preparing for future pandemics, particularly those of zoonotic origin. Without international cooperation and agreement, the risks and consequences of future pandemics will remain high for everyone.

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