Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rough Day for 'Israel' as Hezbollah Bombards North

By Al Mayadeen English

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is having a field day in northern occupied Palestine as it bombards northern Israeli settlements and positions all day long.

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon carried out a series of operations against the Israeli occupation forces' positions in northern occupied Palestine and occupied southern Lebanon, inflicting severe damages upon the IOF's military infrastructure.

Early in the morning, Hezbollah's fighters targeted a building used by Israeli soldiers in the Margaliot settlement, reporting confirmed strikes, which they underlined were a direct response to Israeli aggressions on steadfast southern Lebanese villages and residential homes.

The Resistance also bombarded the Malikiyah site, first launching a devastating barrage of rockets and artillery shells before sending in drones to carry out precision airstrikes on numerous targets within the military site.

Later in the day, Hezbollah struck newly erected surveillance equipment at the Misgav Am site, which was quickly followed by another drone strike on a military base in Beit Hillel, home to the 769th Brigade, also attacking an Iron Dome battery at the location.

Hours later, Hezbollah launched a huge salvo of Grad rockets targeting the settlements of Meron, Safsoufa, and Tziv'on, causing paramount destruction, underlining that this was in retaliation for the Israeli attack on the Martyr Salah Ghandour Hospital in Bint Jbeil, which injured several civilians.

Israeli media said this strike included no less than 50 rockets, revealing that settlers were asked to remain in fortified locations "until further notice" and adding that the attack caused a power outage in the area. The rockets that hit Safsoufa caused a fire to break out in the area.

After monitoring a group of Israeli soldiers entering a building northeast of the Metula settlement, Hezbollah fighters attacked the building using precision missiles.

Moreover, Hezbollah bombarded the Kiryat Shmona settlement with dozens of Grad and Falaq rockets before simultaneously attacking the Summaqah military site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Chouba hills and the Zibdine barracks in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

This comes as the Israeli occupation forces continue their aggression on southern Lebanon, with the bombardment affecting the Lebanese towns of Kfar Kila, Odeissah, and Bint Jbeil. 

'Israel' lost al-Jalil

The former General Director of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's office, Shimon Sheves, said that "Israel" has clearly lost occupied al-Jalil, adding that "The simple truth must be said: Israel's security belt with Lebanon now passes through the Amiad-Acre line."

The political analyst and former Israeli official referred to the area evacuated of Israeli settlers in northern occupied Palestine, which reaches the borders of Kibbutz Am'ad near Lake Tiberias to the east and Akka to the west. 

Sheves believes that the performance of the Israeli government and security establishment over the past eight months up until now has been a miserable failure, noting that 80,000 Israeli settlers have been expelled from the occupied land and have been "refugees" for eight months. 

He stressed that without a serious security belt, the Israeli settlers of the North will not go back there, considering that "Israel's" withdrawal in 2000 is what led to the second war with Lebanon and the growth of Hezbollah's strength.

Operations overview

- At 08:25, the Islamic Resistance's fighters attacked a building used by the Israeli occupation forces for military purposes in the settlement of Margaliot.

- At 08:30, the Islamic Resistance's fighters launched an intense barrage of missiles and artillery shells at the Malikiyah military site.

- At 08:30, the Islamic Resistance's fighters launched drone strikes on several targets within the Malikiyah military site.

- At 12:25, the Islamic Resistance's fighters attacked Israeli espionage equipment at the Misgav Am military site.

- At 12:40, the Islamic Resistance's fighters launched suicide drone strikes on the headquarters of an Israeli unit and an Iron Dome battery in Beit Hillel.

- At 17:00, the Islamic Resistance's fighters attacked an Israeli assembly point northwest of the settlement of Metula.

- At 16:50, the Islamic Resistance's fighters attacked Meron, Safsoufa, and Tziv'on using dozens of Grad rockets.

- At 18:30, the Islamic Resistance's fighters attacked the settlement of Kiryat Shmona with dozens of Grad rockets.

- At 18:15, the Islamic Resistance's fighters attacked the Israeli Summaqah military site.

- At 18:15, the Islamic Resistance's fighters bombarded the Zebdine barracks in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

- At 21:30, the Islamic Resistance's fighters launched a drone strike on an Israeli military site east of Nahariya.

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