Friday, May 31, 2024

Sudanese Refugees in Ethiopia Face Violence and Humanitarian Crisis

Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia stage a hunger strike to protest the attacks by Ethiopian gangs on May 24, 2024 (photo Altayed Abbas)

May 30, 2024 (ADDIS ABABA) – A representative of Sudanese refugees at the Awlala camp on the Ethiopian border, Mohamed Hamid, revealed that there had been 1,700 incidents involving Ethiopian militias, including killings, looting, theft, kidnapping, and assaults.

The latest incident involved a group of Sudanese refugees being kidnapped from an ambulance on its way to Gondar Hospital in the Amhara region for treatment.

Sudanese refugees in the Komer and Awlala camps in the Amhara region are facing extremely challenging conditions, with no humanitarian aid and a lack of shelters to protect them from the rain and sun.

As of April 22, the UNHCR estimates that over 52,758 Sudanese refugees have crossed into Ethiopia, fleeing the war between the Sudanese army and the RSF. Over 22,000 are in the Amhara region, 7,780 in Tigray, and 22,305 in Benishangul Gumuz.

Approximately 6,000 Sudanese refugees, who fled the conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces since mid-April 2023, are currently in a forest with no basic necessities for survival.

The refugees initially stayed at the Kumer camp, but repeated attacks by Ethiopian Shifta gangs and other groups forced them to relocate to a forest 4 kilometres away, seeking safety.

A Sudanese refugee named Amir was killed a month ago when a rogue group shot him in the head to steal his mobile phone, according to the refugee spokesperson who spoke to Sudan Tribune.

Hamid confirmed that all meetings held with the UNHCR have failed to address the critical security issues faced by the Sudanese refugees, including a lack of security and frequent attacks and armed looting by Ethiopian militias.

Hamid noted that despite discussions with Ethiopian authorities and related organizations about the refugees’ dire situation, there has been an inadequate response. The UNHCR has conditioned further assistance on the refugees returning to the Kumer camp to consider their transfer to a third country, which is the refugees’ request.

Continuous looting and violence against the refugees have been reported, with the latest involving the theft of six tents under threat of arms and the expulsion of their occupants by Ethiopian militias. Additionally, there are potential threats of deadly diseases such as cholera and kala-azar, according to residents near Awlala.

Hamid revealed ongoing neglect by international organizations regarding the refugees’ plight, with five failed meetings with the direct parties involved.

He highlighted practices against Sudanese refugees, such as denying or selling water at high prices, which leads them to drink contaminated water. Hamid stressed that they would not accept unclear solutions without specific guarantees.

Hamid also reported ongoing security threats to the refugees, including a recent heavy exchange of gunfire between the Ethiopian federal army, federal police, and some Ethiopian militias east of the forest where the refugees reside.

Hamid warned of a looming humanitarian disaster and possible deaths due to starvation, as the refugees have been forced into a hunger strike because of severe food shortages, noting that the remaining food is insufficient even for children.

In response, Khalid Shawish, a member of the leadership body of the Civil Democratic Forces Coordination Tagadum, told Sudan Tribune about a joint plan between the coalition and the Ethiopian Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs to arrange urgent support for the Sudanese refugees in those areas.

Shawish stated that Ethiopian authorities are keen to resolve all issues faced by the Sudanese, including the refugee crisis at the border.

He accused unspecified entities of exploiting the attacks on Sudanese refugees by “Ethiopian criminal groups” to suggest that Ethiopian authorities were attacking the Sudanese refugees.

Shawish clarified, “What happened is that these criminal groups attacked the camp to steal food.”

In the same context, Munadil Al-Tayeb, the Secretary of Sudanese Community Affairs in Ethiopia, appealed to all relevant parties to provide urgent assistance to Sudanese refugees at the border.

He emphasized that the refugees’ current situation requires immediate intervention to deliver aid and provide medical supplies and assistance.

UNHCR voices concern

In a statement on May 28, UNHCR said that it was “deeply concerned” about the security situation of Sudanese refugees who left the Awlala refugee site in Ethiopia on May 1st due to security incidents and lack of services. Some of these refugees began a hunger strike, further increasing their vulnerability.

UNHCR and Ethiopian authorities are engaging with the refugees to find a solution. Still, the volatile security environment, including a recent incident resulting in the death of an NGO worker, poses challenges, underscored the refugee agency.

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