Saturday, June 08, 2024

Army Downs RSF Drones Targeting Military Areas in White Nile and Khartoum

Drone downed by the Sudanese army in Shendi on April 23, 2024

June 7, 2024 (KOSTI) – The Sudanese army’s air defences shot down several drones on Friday that attempted to target three military areas in White Nile state and Khartoum.

According to multiple sources for Sudan Tribune, the 18th Infantry Division Command of the Sudanese army in Kosti, White Nile state, southern Sudan, successfully neutralized two Rapid Support Forces (RSF) drones targeting the division headquarters.

No casualties were reported.

The same sources reported that another RSF drone targeted the Kenana air base in White Nile state but was also shot down by air defences. Sources suggest that the RSF launched the drones from the Jebel Aulia area, located in the far south of  Khartoum and adjacent to the White Nile state.

The RSF’s targeting of White Nile state came a day after army commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan arrived in Kosti as part of a tour that includes Al-Managil in Al Jazirah state, Kosti in White Nile state, and Sennar state.

In addition, army anti-aircraft guns in the Wadi Seidna military area north of Omdurman engaged and shot down two more drones without causing any damage.

Meanwhile, the Sudanese army’s heavy artillery shelled RSF positions in  Khartoum Bahri from north of Omdurman on Friday.

The army’s artillery shelling came hours after RSF artillery shelling from  Khartoum Bahri targeted residential neighbourhoods north of Omdurman, such as Al-Thawra, Al-Manara, and Al-Hatana, on Thursday evening. According to the Coordination of Resistance Committees in Karari, Omdurman, this resulted in the deaths of at least 40 civilians and the injury of dozens, marking the largest death toll from artillery shelling in the army-controlled area.

In El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state, local sources told Sudan Tribune that the army’s warplanes carried out airstrikes on RSF positions east of El Fasher on Friday morning.

According to these sources, an RSF armoured vehicle was destroyed, and a drone targeting the headquarters of the army’s 6th Infantry Division in El Fasher was shot down.

The RSF then resumed artillery shelling towards the north-western neighbourhoods of El Fasher, the vicinity of the army’s 6th Division headquarters, and El Fasher airport.

For its part, the Abu Shouk camp emergency room for displaced people north of El Fasher confirmed the deaths of four people due to the RSF’s artillery shelling.


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