Friday, July 12, 2024

House Dem Tells Biden Directly: Time for Someone Else to Lead

It happened during a virtual meeting between the president and the political arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and the host ended it shortly after, according to a person familiar with the matter.


07/12/2024, 11:52AM ET

A House Democrat who has called for Joe Biden to step aside confronted the president directly on a virtual meeting Friday, telling him it was time for someone else to lead, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The host of the meeting — between the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' political arm and Biden — ended it shortly after Rep. Mike Levin's (D-Calif.) comment. Biden responded to Levin, according to a member on the call, by reiterating that he is running. The president held meetings with various factions of House Democrats anxious about his future on the ticket on Friday and has more planned over the weekend.

Shortly after the meeting wrapped up, Levin, who hails from a purple district, put out a statement calling on Biden to end his reelection campaign.

Several others in that group, however, are among Biden’s more vocal proponents on the Hill. Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas) and Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.) appeared to be "pre-selected" to ask questions, according to a person familiar with the call.

“He sounded very lucid, sharp, engaged,” said another pro-Biden Democrat who attended the meeting, who declined to speak about members’ private comments.

And Correa in a statement praised the "productive" discussion and said he was "more than grateful that President Biden took time to talk to our caucus. He spoke frankly to us, he answered hard questions, and most importantly, he showed up."

But the discussion still left Biden-skeptical Hispanic Democrats feeling unsatisfied with his campaign. Biden showed up an hour late to the Hispanic Caucus meeting, according to one of the people familiar with the matter.

The Biden campaign later said in statements that the president had "delivered remarks and answered questions" from lawmakers in the meetings with the political arms of the Hispanic and Asian Pacific American Caucuses to discuss the 2024 election.

Biden has been trying to shore up support with key blocs on the Hill, scheduling other meetings with the political arms of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, the centrist New Democrat Coalition and the Progressive Caucus, according to five people familiar with the matter.

Leaders of the New Democrats had met with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries earlier this week to voice concerns about Biden’s impact on their purple-district lawmakers. Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) has offered her own lukewarm support of the president, too. And the chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.), has voiced concerns about Biden's candidacy.

But Chu gave a positive assessment of the president after their meeting.

“We had excellent participation and engagement from our Members and a productive discussion,” she said in a statement. “President Biden heard our concerns and was energetic, responsive, and clear in communicating his messages and goals. I thank the President for taking the time to have this meeting and hear our concerns."

"President Biden would best serve the nation he loves by releasing the convention delegates who are pledged to nominate him for a second term. His decision to do so would mean an open convention in August," they wrote.


07/12/2024, 4:47PM ET

A group of two dozen former House Democrats has sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling for him to step aside to prevent a GOP takeover of Washington. Instead, they want him to allow for an “open convention” this summer to decide the 2024 ticket.

In their letter, the 24 Democrats — which include former House members and one former senator — make clear that they do not doubt Biden’s “extraordinary record.” But they warn that if the president stays on the ballot, it would mean the party not only loses the White House, but would decimate their ranks in Congress.

“This leads us to a regretful conclusion. President Biden would best serve the nation he loves by releasing the convention delegates who are pledged to nominate him for a second term. His decision to do so would mean an open convention in August. We ask him to make that decision.” according to the letter, which was obtained by POLITICO.

The letter includes several members who served for over two decades each, including Reps. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), Jim Moran (D-Va.), Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), Phil Sharp (D-Ind.) and John LaFalce (D-N.Y.). One is also a former senator, Sen. Tim Wirth of Colorado.

“While time is short, that does not justify inaction or complacency,” they wrote. The message, they said, is “difficult but necessary.”

Without action, they warn, the down-ballot effects could be devastating for members of Congress — and even state legislatures. That’s particularly dangerous, they said, if former President Donald Trump were to win the election.

If Trump wins, they wrote: “The Democrats need at least one house of Congress to protect our liberty and the rule of law from total GOP control of the federal government.”

Former Rep. David Skaggs (D-Col.), who organized the effort, declined to speak further about the letter, saying it speaks for itself.

Lauren Gardner contributed to this report.

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