Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sayyed al-Houthi Warns Enemies: 'What is Coming is Far Greater'

By Al Mayadeen English

15 Sep 2024 17:21

Against the backdrop of Yemen's missile attack on Tel Aviv, the leader of Ansar Allah highlights today's operation and its objectives.

The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, confirmed that today's operation, which was carried out with a high-tech missile, succeeded in bypassing all the enemy's defense systems, despite covering a distance of about 2,040 km.

Addressing the million-man marches across Yemen on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad, Sayyed al-Houthi confirmed that the operation was carried out by the Yemeni missile force using a new advanced home-grown missile, affirming that "it is part of the fifth phase of escalation [against the Israeli enemy]."

With this, the Yemeni leader rules out the operation being the response "Israel" has been anticipating for the past two months to retaliate against the Israeli aggression on Hodeidah.

"What is coming is far greater, God willing," he promised.

Meanwhile, Sayyed al-Houthi assured that the Yemeni forces shall continue their battle at sea against vessels linked with the Israeli, American, and British enemies, "conducting operations that are successful and highly effective."

He added that coordination with the different fronts of the Axis of Resistance is ongoing, vowing that the Yemeni operations will continue as long as the aggression and siege on Gaza are not ended.

"We remain steadfast on our position until Palestine is cleansed from the grip of the occupation," the Yemeni leader stated.

Sayyed al-Houthi commenced his speech by commending the high turnout, which reflects the love the Yemenis hold for the Messenger of God on the blessed day of his birth, stressing that it is "unparalleled on earth."

Addressing his people, he said, "You have held the greatest celebration on earth for the greatest and most noble human being, in appreciation of the grace, virtue, and mercy God has bestowed upon us."

Million-man marches across Yemen

Million-man marches were held across several Yemeni squares and cities on Sunday to celebrate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad.

Large crowds of people headed to Al-Sabeen Square in the capital Sanaa and other squares in the governorates of Saada, Ibb, Hodeidah, and other Yemeni regions to celebrate the Prophet's birth anniversary, which coincided with Yemen’s top-tier operation targeting Tel Aviv.

The Yemenis who filled the squares carried green and white flags, as well as banners commemorating the precious occasion. Yemeni cities, mosques, homes, buildings, streets, squares, cars, and shops were all also adorned with green and white colors and lights.

Saree confirms hyper-sonic missile struck Tel Aviv

Earlier on Sunday, the spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF), Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced that a new hypersonic ballistic missile launched from Yemen successfully struck its military target in Tel Aviv.

Saree reported that the YAF executed the operation using the new missile, which traveled approximately 2,040 kilometers and hit its target in Tel Aviv within just 11.5 minutes.

Israeli air defense systems failed to intercept the missile, he affirmed.

The missile launch induced widespread panic among Israeli settlers, with over two million people seeking shelter—marking an unprecedented event in Israeli history.

Saree highlighted that this operation is part of the fifth phase of Yemen's strategic military efforts, showcasing significant advancements in missile technology. He emphasized that these new technologies are designed to bypass all US-Israeli surface and maritime defensive systems.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson for the Israeli occupation military acknowledged the launch of a ballistic missile from Yemen toward Tel Aviv and the failure of air defenses to intercept it.

Israeli media reported a direct hit on a power station southeast of Tel Aviv and mentioned that the attack caused fires in forested areas and material damage to a major train station near Modi'in. The missile strike resulted in the suspension of train services across most of the Israeli occupation, with Israeli media also reporting casualties.

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