Sunday, October 14, 2007

Outreach Continues to Build the October 27 Demonstration Against Racism & War

Calling all anti-war and social justice activists:

This coming Saturday, Oct. 20 in Detroit, we will be going out into the community with sound cars and leafleting crews to build the Oct 27 March Against Racism & War. We want every store in the neighborhood to post flyers (many already have from last Saturday's effort). We want every lamp post to have flyers taped/stapled up.

We want to go up and down every street talking to the people about how the war is draining much needed funds from our cities. We want to sign up new activists -many who are angry about the many outrages like the Jena 6 case.

Join us at 11:00am sharp at 5922 Second Avenue (just north of Wayne State University at Antoinette Street). We will be done by 2:00pm or so. Bring staplers for use on the wood utility poles.

We want to invite all activists in lower Michigan to come to Detroit on Oct. 27th for the "March Against Racism and War." We will be marching through one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. All are welcome! Bring a carload, van load or bus load from your church, anti-war committee or school.

Make a sign identifying your city. We want to show that the entire state, urban, suburban and rural are UNITED to demand an end to the war and racism. Go to or Call 313-680-5508 to get more information.

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory

Event: Detroit Demonstration Against Racism & War
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2007, Gather at 11:00am
Location: Zussman Playground, Davison at Dexter
March: From Dexter & Davison to New Bethel Baptist Church,
Linwood at Philadelphia
Rally: New Bethel Baptist Church, 1:00-3:00pm
Contact: Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice
Phone: (313)680-5508

Detroit Demonstration Against Racism & War to Be Held on Saturday, October 27, 2007

On Saturday, October 27, 2007, demonstrations will be held all over the United States against the ongoing war in Iraq. In Chicago there will be a regional action called by the United For Peace & Justice Coalition. Here in Detroit the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI) will be holding a local march and rally to mobilize the communities that have been most severely affected by the militaristic policies of the Bush administration.

This march will begin with a gathering at Zussman Playground located on West Davision, one block west of Dexter. The gathering will take place between 11:00-Noon. The march will kick off at Noon and continue south on Dexter to Joy Road, then east on Joy Road to Linwood, where the demonstration will head south and conclude at the Historic New Bethel Baptist Church on Linwood at Philadelphia. A rally will be held from 1:00-3:00pm featuring speakers from local community, religious and cultural organizations.

The theme of October 27 will be centered around the following demands:
-Money for jobs, housing, health care and education-not for war-bring the troops home now!
-The $12 billion this war on Iraq has cost Michigan taxpayers must be returned to us and used to fund human needs instead!
-Demand Governor Granholm and the state legislature declare a state of economic emergency and a moratorium to stop foreclosures, utility shut-off, evictions, school shutdowns, plant closings and lay-offs!
-Fight to stop racism, sexism, lgbt oppression and for immigrant rights!

The war in Iraq has already cost Michigan taxpayers over $12 billion, and will cost us another $4 billion in the next year alone. The $12 billion robbed from the people of Michigan to fund the illegal war in Iraq could be used instead to:
-Build 107,988 new housing units
-Place 1,588,520 children in Head Start
-Fund 581,410 four-year full-time college scholarships
-Pay the health care costs of 7,181,636 children for one year
-Pay the salaries of 207,845 public school teachers

This march has been called by MECAWI and we are encouraging everyone to get involved by becoming an organizer. If you would like to distribute flyers in your neighborhood or to attend an organizational meeting contact us at the locations above.

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