Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cynthia McKinney, Green Party Presidential Candidate, to Visit Detroit for Labor Day



For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

John Anthony LaPietra, Media Coordinator,
Fred Vitale, State Coordinator, McKinney/Clemente Campaign, 313-580-4905, freddetroit@sbcglobal.net, chair@migreens.org

Cynthia McKinney, U.S. presidential candidate of the Green Party, visits Michigan

Detroit, Michigan – Cynthia McKinney, Green Party presidential candidate, and a member of the first ever in history all women of color ticket to appear on ballot lines across the country, will visit Detroit August 30 – September 1. See http://www.gp.org

The Green Party of Michigan will be hosting a Press Conference for Ms.McKinney, August 30, 7 pm, International Institute, 111 E. Kirby, Detroit. The Press Conference will be followed by a Rally with other Green Party federal, state and local candidates at 7:30 pm at the same location, the International Institute, 111 E Kirby. The event is open and free to the public.

Ms. McKinney will deliver a key policy speech on the elimination of poverty at the National Welfare Rights Union Awards Dinner, August 31, 6:30 pm at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat House, 23333 Schoolcraft, Detroit. (See http://www.mwro.org .

The Green Party of Michigan welcomes Cynthia McKinney to Michigan. She will lead the Green Party 2008 Slate joining our other GP candidates including Harley Mikkelson for U.S. Senate, Rev. Edward Pinkney for Congress in the 6th district, currently unjustly incarcerated in Hiawatha Prison, and many Congressional, state and local candidates.

Cynthia McKinney is a six-term former Congresswoman from Georgia who quit the Democratic Party on her birthday in 2007 because the Democratic Party no longer represented her values. She joined the Green Party, campaigned for its presidential nomination and was nominated in Chicago at the Green Party National Convention, July 12, 2008. http://www.votetruth08.com

During her time in Congress, Cynthia McKinney:

•consistently opposed funding for bloated military and secret intelligence budgets;
•introduced Articles of Impeachment for George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice;
•introduced, championed, and passed in the U.S. House the Arms Trade Code of Conduct, prohibiting the sale of arms to known human rights abusers;
•passed legislation to extend health benefits for Vietnam War veterans still suffering the health effects from exposure to the defoliant Agent Orange.

She currently serves on an International tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and on the Brussels Tribunal on Iraq. She is participating in War Crimes prosecutions in Spain, and is working with the Malaysian Peace organization to criminalize war.

Cynthia McKinney’s long-time advocacy for poor people and her recent participation as a Commissioner in the Truth Commission for Water Rights held in Detroit May 3 prompted anti-poverty leaders to invite her as the guest speaker for the Awards Dinner at the National Welfare Rights Union Retreat.

Currently on the ballot in over 20 states, with the possibility of several more, the Green Party presidential ticket is breaking new barriers in American politics with the Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente campaign. The campaign has also gotten 14 of the required 20 states for matching federal funds in the primary season which ends for us September 4.

The McKinney/Clemente campaign offers a profoundly pro-people, anti-corporate program for this election. Ms. McKinney will not only bring all the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, but from every country where troops are stationed. She will reduce significantly the bloated Pentagon budget and spend money here at home. She supports an immediate moratorium on foreclosures. She wants to convert the prisons for profit into money spent on education. She supports universal, single-payer healthcare.

Ms. McKinney chose Rosa Clemente, hip-hop activist and scholar, as her running mate (see www.rosaclemente.com). Ms.Clemente brings strong credentials to this third party race. She is a founder of the Hip-Hop Convention, a community activist and a scholar.

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