Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Al-Qaeda 'Hijack' Led to Mumbai Attack


Al-Qaeda 'hijack' led to Mumbai attack

By Syed Saleem Shahzad

MILAN - A plan by Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) that had been in the pipelines for several months - even though official policy was to ditch it - saw what was to be a low-profile attack in Kashmir turn into the massive attacks on Mumbai last week.

The original plan was highjacked by the Laskar-e-Taiba (LET), a Pakistani militant group that generally focussed on the Kashmir struggle, and al-Qaeda, resulting in the deaths of nearly 200 people in Mumbai as groups of militants sprayed bullets and hand grenades at hotels, restaurants and train stations, as well as a Jewish community center.

The attack has sent shock waves across India and threatens to revive the intense periods of hostility the two countries have endured since their independence from British India in 1947.

There is now the possibility that Pakistan will undergo another about-turn and rethink its support of the "war in terror"; until the end of 2001, it supported the Taliban administration in Afghanistan. It could now back off from its restive tribal areas, leaving the Taliban a free hand to consolidate their Afghan insurgency.

A US State Department official categorically mentioned that Pakistan's "smoking gun" could turn the US's relations with Pakistan sour. The one militant captured - several were killed - is reported to have been a Pakistani trained by the LET.

A plan goes wrong

Asia Times Online investigations reveal that several things went wrong within the ISI, which resulted in the Mumbai attacks.

Before the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, the ISI had several operations areas as far as India was concerned. The major forward sections were in Muzzafarabad, the capital of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, which were used to launch proxy operations through Kashmir separatist groups in Indian-administered Kashmir.

The next major areas were Nepal and Bangladesh, where both countries were used for smuggling arms and ammunition into India and for launching militants to carry out high-level guerrilla operations in Indian territory other than Kashmir.

After 9/11, when Islamabad sided with the United States in the "war on terror" and the invasion of Afghanistan was launched to catch al-Qaeda members and militants, Pakistan was forced to abandon its Muzzafarabad operations under American pressure. The major recent turn in the political situation in Nepal with the victory of Maoists and the abolishment of the monarchy has reduced the ISI's operations. An identical situation has happened in Bangladesh, where governments have changed.

The only active forward sections were left in the southern port city of Karachi, and the former Muzzafarabad sections were sent there. The PNS Iqbal (a naval commando unit) was the main outlet for militants to be given training and through deserted points they were launched into the Arabian sea and on into the Indian region of Gujarat.

At the same time, Washington mediated a dialogue process between India and Pakistan, which resulted in some calm. Militants were advised by the ISI to sit tight at their homes to await orders.

However, that never happened. The most important asset of the ISI, the Laskhar-e-Taiba (LET), was split after 9/11. Several of its top-ranking commanders and office bearers joined hands with al-Qaeda militants. A millionaire Karachi-based businessman, Arif Qasmani, who was a major donor for ISI-sponsored LET operations in India, was arrested for playing a double game - he was accused of working with the ISI while also sending money to Pakistan's South Waziristan tribal area for the purchase of arms and ammunition for al-Qaeda militants.

The network of the Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, which was a major supporter of the ISI in the whole region, especially in Bangladesh, was shattered and fell into the hands of al-Qaeda when Maulana Ilyas Kashmiri, chief of Harkat, a hero of the armed struggle in Kashmir who had spent two years in an Indian jail, was arrested by Pakistani security forces in January 2004. He was suspected of having links to suicide bombers who rammed their vehicles into then-president General Pervez Musharraf's convoy on December 25, 2003.

He was released after 30 days and cleared of all suspicion, but he was profoundly affected by the experience and abandoned his struggle for Kashmir's independence and moved to the North Waziristan tribal area with his family. His switch from the Kashmiri struggle to the Afghan resistance was an authentic religious instruction to those in the camps in Kashmir to move to support Afghanistan's armed struggle against foreign forces. Hundreds of Pakistani jihadis established a small training camp in the area.

Almost simultaneously, Harkat's Bangladesh network disconnected itself from the ISI and moved closer to al-Qaeda. That was the beginning of the problem which makes the Mumbai attack a very complex story.

India has never been a direct al-Qaeda target. This has been due in part to Delhi's traditionally impartial policy of strategic non-alignment and in part to al-Qaeda using India as a safe route from the Arabian Sea into Gujrat and then on to Mumbai and then either by air or overland to the United Arab Emirates. Al-Qaeda did not want to disrupt this arrangement by stirring up attacks in India.

Nevertheless, growing voices from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and from within India for the country to be a strategic partner of NATO and the US in Afghanistan compelled al-Qaeda, a year ago, to consider a plan to utilize Islamic militancy structures should this occur.

Several low-profile attacks were carried out in various parts of India as a rehearsal and Indian security agencies still have no idea who was behind them. Nevertheless, al-Qaeda was not yet prepared for any bigger moves, like the Mumbai attacks.

Under directives from Pakistan's army chief, General Ashfaq Kiani, who was then director general (DG) of the ISI, a low-profile plan was prepared to support Kashmiri militancy. That was normal, even in light of the peace process with India. Although Pakistan had closed down its major operations, it still provided some support to the militants so that the Kashmiri movement would not die down completely.

After Kiani was promoted to chief of army staff, Lieutenant General Nadeem Taj was placed as DG of the ISI. The external section under him routinely executed the plan of Kiani and trained a few dozen LET militants near Mangla Dam (near the capital Islamabad). They were sent by sea to Gujrat, from where they had to travel to Kashmir to carry out operations.

Meanwhile, a major reshuffle in the ISI two months ago officially shelved this low-key plan as the country's whole focus had shifted towards Pakistan's tribal areas. The director of the external wing was also changed, placing the "game" in the hands of a low-level ISI forward section head (a major) and the LET's commander-in-chief, Zakiur Rahman.

Zakiur was in Karachi for two months to personally oversee the plan. However, the militant networks in India and Bangladesh comprising the Harkat, which were now in al-Qaeda's hands, tailored some changes. Instead of Kashmir, they planned to attack Mumbai, using their existent local networks, with Westerners and the Jewish community center as targets.

Zakiur and the ISI's forward section in Karachi, completely disconnected from the top brass, approved the plan under which more than 10 men took Mumbai hostage for nearly three days and successfully established a reign of terror.

The attack, started from ISI headquarters and fined-tuned by al-Qaeda, has obviously caused outrage across India. The next issue is whether it has the potential to change the course of India's regional strategy and deter it from participating in NATO plans in Afghanistan.

Daniel Pipes, considered a leading member of Washington's neo-conservatives, told Asia Times Online, "It could be the other way around, like always happens with al-Qaeda. Nine-eleven was aimed to create a reign of terror in Washington, but only caused a very furious reaction from the United States of America. The 07/07 bombing [in London] was another move to force the UK to pull out of Iraq, but it further reinforced the UK's policies in the 'war on terror'. The Madrid bombing was just an isolated incident which caused Spain's pullout from Iraq."

Pipes continued, "They [militants] are the believers of conspiracy theories and therefore they would have seen the Jewish center [attacked in Mumbai] as some sort of influence in the region and that's why they chose to target it, but on the other hand they got immense international attention which they could not have acquired if they would have just attacked local targets."

Israeli politician and a former interim president, Abraham Burg, told Asia Times Online, "It was not only Jewish but American and other foreigners [who were targeted]. The main purpose may have been to keep foreigners away from India. Nevertheless, there is something deeper. This attack on a Jewish target becomes symbolic.

"I remember when al-Qaeda carried out the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen [in 2000] and then they carried out attacks on American embassies in Africa, they mentioned several reasons. The Palestinian issue was number four or five, but later when they found that it had become the most popular one, it suddenly climbed up to number one position on their priority list. Since the attack on the Jewish institution drew so much attention, God forbid, it could be their strategy all over the world," Burg said.

Al-Qaeda stoked this particular fire that could spark new hostilities in South Asia. What steps India takes on the military front against Pakistan will become clearer in the coming days, but already in Karachi there has been trouble.

Two well-known Indophile political parties, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, a coalition partner in the government comprising people who migrated to Pakistan after the partition of British India in 1947, and the Awami National Party, another coalition partner in the government and a Pashtun sub-nationalist political party, clashed within 24 hours of the Mumbai attacks. Fifteen people have been killed to date and the city is closed, like Mumbai was after the November 26 attacks.

Syed Saleem Shahzad is Asia Times Online's Pakistan Bureau Chief. He can be reached at saleem_shahzad2002@yahoo.com


  1. The venerable Taj Mahal Palace hotel has become the rallying symbol as Mumbai recovers from last week's multiple terrorist strikes that killed 183 people and injured over 325. The owners and staff are doing their best to return the luxury heritage establishment to normal, and as if on cue, the Indian government and media have in unprecedented fashion refrained from strongly condemning Pakistan, from where the terrorists originated.

  2. Well written article. It is however shocking and painful to see Pak Media's claim of India staging the attack and that it is a war between Police intelligence and Military intelligence of India.

    Worse, Pakistani junta is out on streets buring Indian flags and chanting - "Pakistan Jindabad"

    I hope Pakistani media plays a sensible role is educating its people.

  3. This article reminds me of a movie called "Munich". the best that India could do at this point of time is somehow assassinate Dawood Ibrahim and some other names that this article has published. If the assassination happens in Pakistan, well and good but if not then kill them the moment they are out of Pakistan. Pakistan is a law less state as somewhat India is also but here the rulers are Politicians (elected only by the poor and illiterate section of India)whereas the rulers in Pakistan are all Army and their relatives (90% punjabis). Killing them would not make any difference to these rulers of Pakistan as they hardly have any interest in these peoples lives, If not them, may be someone else. The only way you can provoke them to wage a war against each other now is by Kill some big politicians of India within a span of three or four days (probably one on every day for three days) and in pakistan if Indian could somehow manage to kill some rich class Women and children in Lahore area specifically in Lahore then they are doomed. Pakistan is not a nation but a concept of Punjabi rich class and they have ruled over the entire nation because of their shrewdness and superiority over other classes, killing them would be like killing Pakistan. Sindh (illiterate only), Balochi,Pashtu et all are all puppets and emotional class and they have been a easy fodder for these Punjabi's all these years.

  4. I don't think india should attack PAK directly as its going to end up as a NUCLEAR WAR which is not gud for the whole world.As taliban leaders mentioned in the interview yesterday and on going riots in Karachi, taliban/al queeda is soon going to gain control of Pak.Its upto US and CHINA to convince PAK authorities ab8 this situation and force them to let NATO/INDIAN troops along with PAK army to attack the military bases..But having said that with the kind of venegance these JIHAD'S has.for each 10 JIHADIS we kill,sooner or later they will kill 100 of us...GOD BLESS TH WORLD

  5. Very good observation and a nicely written article. Recent changes in the Pakistan's politics for the implementation of democracy in the country is not supported fully by the Military and so do the ISI. Pakistan can not digest 'democracy' anyway, look into their past whenever democratic people tried, they were either gun down or threw away by the military ruling. On the other hand India can not be a military ruling country by its nature. lawlessness could be seen in India in some state as well but unlike Pakistan where the whole country in going through lawlessness. Indian politics in very much influenced by its more than 60% of the illiterate people and criminals came into the politics, hence the lawlessness and corruption. People of India really don't understand what do the Pakistan backed terrorist groups want from them . Indian economy is far better than the Pakistan. Why do the people of Pakistan do not want benefit out of this growth and letting involve their young people in to the hands of terrorism ? The Pakistani media is still in its infancy. They can educate people of Pakistan to come out of the prevailing mentality and opportunism of the politicians. Pakistani politics was never matured but always in its infancy even if they are in ruling government they never have 'powers'. The country should think to become a peaceful nation-which is never going to happen! Yes, Pakistan is a country always 'owned' by the rich Punjabis who ruled over illitrate Sindhis and Pustun / Baluch tribes. Really they had never seen what is peaceful life. Creating disturbance in India was their common goal who ever comes into the power. The Mumbai terror incidence had awakend Indian people and demonstrated solidarity to declare war on terror. But this could be more effective when couple of high profile politicians where also killed in that terror strike. Why should India ask Pakistan to handover certain criminals ? GO GET IT - approach is the only solution left after the Mumbai terror attack. Obama also had given clue in that direction in his recent speech. Now the world knows that Pakistan is a nation who nurture terrorism in its soil and 'migraine' for the our Earth. People of India had well understood our politicians and their blame game song that they always plays when terror attack took place.
