Monday, July 13, 2009

Zimbabwe: ZANU-PF Supporters Disrupt Constitutional Conference

Mugabe supporters disrupt conference

Jul 13, 2009

Militants from President Robert Mugabe’s party disrupted a conference to draw up a new constitution today, setting off scuffles with supporters of former opposition leader Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai before the meeting collapsed in disarray.

When Mugabe did not arrive at the meeting on time, Parliament Speaker Lovemore Moyo, a member of Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change, began his opening remarks but was drowned out by militants singing revolutionary songs. Moyowas forced to withdraw.

Under Zimbabwe’s unity government, an agreement that brought Mugabe and Tsvangirai together in February, a new constitution must be drawn up ahead of new elections within two years.

Mugabe has long resisted constitutional reforms, which might loosen his grip on the country he has ruled for nearly three decades.

Many delegates at today’s meeting alleged that the disruption was planned, citing a lack of security at the venue that allowed thousands of Mugabe loyalists to stream in.

"It is outrageous. This is delinquent behaviour," said Philius Njira, a member of a constitutional reform group.

The convention centre, which can hold 5,000 people, was filled to capacity, with hundreds more seated in aisles and on stairways.

Organizers had tried to limit each party to 600 delegates and 240 for veterans of Zimbabwe’s war for independence. Delegates from civil society groups also were invited.

Before the opening, dancing and ululating Mugabe militants showed the clenched fist salute of his ZANU-PF party, while MDC supporters waved their open hands.

Leaflets on constitutional reform were handed out but ZANU-PF supporters tore them up and threw them to the floor.

Mugabe was scheduled to open the conference at 10 am but did not arrive by noon.

Moyo said the conference aimed to begin the process of writing the "supreme law" of the country.

"A constitution is about people deciding how they are governed. It is not about the government or anyone else telling the people how they want to be governed," he said, before he was drowned out.

Eric Matinenga, the minister of constitutional affairs, who withdrew from the dais along with Moyo, told reporters organisers were meeting to try and salvage the conference.

But hundreds of delegates had already streamed out of the convention centre and there was still no sign of Mugabe.

MDC spokesman Nelson Chamisa told reporters that Tsvangirai was meeting with Mugabe to discuss the disruption of the meeting by "well coordinated ZANU-PF cadres."

There was no further information on when proceedings would resume. By late afternoon, police had cordoned off the convention centre and most delegates had left the venue.

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