Monday, August 10, 2009

United Nations Secretary General Hails Signing of Madagascar Accords

UN chief hails signing of Madagascar accords

United Nations - UN chief Ban Ki-moon congratulated Madagascar's rival political leaders on Monday for agreeing to set up a transitional government and work towards new elections.

"The Secretary General welcomes the signing in Maputo on Sunday of agreements providing a framework for resolving the political crisis in Madagascar," said a statement read by UN deputy spokeswoman Marie Okabe.

Leaders of the Indian Ocean island nation's four main political groups, including ousted president Marc Ravalomanana and his rival Andry Rajoelina, wrapped up four days of crisis talks in the Mozambican capital on Sunday.

They agreed to set up an interim administration - although they are still to flesh out its exact composition - and to hold new elections by the end of next year.

Ban praised them, "for committing to a peaceful transition under a government of national unity" and said the United Nations was ready to assist in the prompt implementation of the accords.

He urged the leaders, "to quickly agree on its composition and on the establishment of the institutions of the transition leading to credible elections and the restoration of democracy and the rule of law in Madagascar."

Legislative and presidential elections will be held in the 15-month transition which will be headed by a unity government with posts including a president, vice president, prime minister and three deputy prime ministers.

The accord is meant to pull Madagascar out of months of crisis following the army-backed rise of Rajoelina and bloody riots in March that left 100 dead and forced Ravalomanana to flee the country.

Ravalomanana, who was granted amnesty for a four-year jail term which allows his return to Madagascar, said he was satisfied with the outcome of the talks. - Sapa-AFP

Published on the Web by IOL on 2009-08-10 20:03:09

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