Monday, May 31, 2010

Detroit-Dearborn Demonstrations Against the Israeli Massacre of Solidarity Activists on the Freedom Flotilla, June 1 & 2, 4:00pm

Two protests - attend both!

* 4 PM, Tuesday, Dearborn
* 4 PM, Wednesday, Detroit

Please post to your social networks, listservs, etc.


Protest & Rally against Israeli Murders of Peace Activists on Freedom Flotilla
4:00 PM, Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Dearborn City Hall
Michigan Ave & Schaefer, Dearborn

for more info: 313-945-9660

The Free Gaza Flotilla, comprised of 6 ships bringing emergency supplies to the Palestinians held under Israeli siege in Gaza , was attacked in international waters by 14 Israeli ships, helicopters and masked Israeli commandos.

Congress of Arab American Organizations and Palestine Cultural Office in cooperation with area peace groups urge you to participate in a emergency response. Please join the rally against the Israeli murderous assault on the Freedom Flotilla carrying 600 unarmed civilians from 40 nations, in the high seas and in international waters. Reports indicate at least 10 peace activists killed, 50 inured. All boats and peace activists have been attacked then kidnapped by Israeli Navy boats and led to the Israeli port of Esdoud on the Mediterranean. Among those attacked are US peace activists including former Ambassador Edward L. Peck and Irish Nobel Laureate Maireed McGuire.
On Wednesday, join the Congress of Arab American Organizations, the Palestine Cultural Office, the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI), F.I.S.T.-Detroit, and other groups in a protest of the brutal Israeli attack on 600 unarmed Palestine Solidarity activists participating in the Free Gaza Flotilla.

Protest and Rally against Israeli Murders and Piracy
4 PM, Wednesday, June 2, 2010
McNamara Federal Building
477 Michigan Ave., Detroit

for info: 313-671-3715

Sara Flounders, Co-Director of International Action Center, said "This attack and the brutal starvation siege of Gaza would not have been possible without the billions of dollars in international aid that Washington gives to Israel every year for more than 60 years. This latest massacre is an act of international piracy. We must reinforce the efforts to Boycott, Divest and Sanction this racist regime and demand an end to all U.S. aid to Israel .

AlAwda NYC points out that live footage from one of the boats reveals the Israeli soldiers were heavily masked and carrying live ammunition which they used on the unarmed passengers. None of the passengers or activists were armed. Israel has continuously seized and refused to release emergency aid supplies to the besieged people of Gaza.

Long Live Palestine!

1 comment:

  1. People have also been protesting in Tel Aviv ... You can read accounts of the two protests held yesterday here:
