Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Chicago Demonstration Says No to FBI and Grand Jury Repression

Chicago Demonstration Says No to FBI and Grand Jury Repression

Over 300 picket the federal building after organizers refuse to testify

By Abayomi Azikiwe
Editor, Pan-African News Wire
Chicago, Jan. 25, 2011

Photos by Abayomi Azikiwe

Nine activists from the solidarity and anti-war movements in the United States refused to testify before a federal grand jury on Jan. 25 in Chicago . Since September 2010, 23 activists from various organizations including the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee, Women Against Military Madness, the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout, Freedom Road Socialist Organization and others were subpoenaed by the FBI to appear before a grand jury.

Other activists had their homes and offices raided by FBI agents who confiscated personal papers, computers, organizational files and other materials ostensibly in an ongoing investigation involving material support for liberation struggles taking place in Palestine and Colombia.

After a press conference that was held outside the Dirksen federal building, activists from various organizations and movements demonstrated chanting “No Grand Jury, No Witch Hunt.” Sarah Smith, one of the activists targeted, told the crowd that I’m not backing down. In fact, I’ve been made stronger by the support from all of you to become more politically active.”

Bill Chambers of the Palestine Solidarity Group, who chaired the rally and spoke extensively on the threat imposed by the Justice Department’s targeting of political activists, said that more than 50 organizations were represented at the demonstration. These groups included the American Muslims for Palestine, SEIU Local 73, the Chicago Teachers Union, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center School, Students for Justice in Palestine, Workers World Party and the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice.

The National Committee to Stop FBI Repression has scheduled regional conferences on the government investigations against political activists. A Midwest regional conference in slated to take place on Feb. 12 in Chicago.

For more information contact the National Committee to Stop FBI Repression

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