Friday, February 04, 2011

Christianity Originated in Ethiopia

Christianity originated in Ethiopia

Sunday, 30 January 2011 23:14

Faith Talk with Ibo Foroma

BEYOND doubt, the Messiah is native to this beautiful continent of
Africa. When he was mystically born from a virgin in Bethlehem,
Israel, Herod wanted him more dead than alive.

The only way out for Joseph, Mary and their precious Godly child to
survive was to run for their lives to Egypt where the almighty Lord
instructed them to be in exile through the aid of an angel.

The Bible does not clearly state how old the child or baby was, but
all male infants below the age of two were slaughtered by royal

Of course, our dear Lord, the Son of Man, was safe and sound, exiled
in the motherland. This occurred while we do not really know how many were sacrificed in the catastrophic infanticide. Anyway, this is the
birth of the famous festival we have up to this day — the Nativity of
the Christ.

But how does this festival become a part of Ethiopia and to say the
least, Rastafari, a different “religion” all together. In the first
place, the Kingdom of Egypt and Cush (Ethiopia) is one and the same,
simply divided by the Nile River.

Please do not be confused by the modern day colonial boundaries. Back in those days, there was no need to carry any form of passport or
travel document from Cape to Cairo and beyond to China.

Enlightened historians know that Ethiopia is the mother and Egypt the daughter.

Actually the whole of North Africa used to be called Upper Ethiopia
and the rest being Lower Ethiopia down to even Zimbabwe, which is
Biblically known as Ophir — “the land of gold”.

In a nutshell, the whole continent, which was later named after Neo
Africanos, a Greek man, was, is and will always be one. Secondly, the
country of Ethiopia is the first nation as a whole to adopt
Christianity as a spiritual way of life and not just a “religion”.

To begin with, the Garden of Eden described in the book of Genesis is
geographically located over the country of Ethiopia where the Nile
River begins.

Above the Horn of Africa is a place known as the Gulf of Aden even up
to this date. The “A” is there to confuse you, otherwise it is the
same Eden you know.

Other scholars go on to say that Eden is actually the name of the
continent as a whole, further giving proof to how Christianity is of
Ethiopian origin even before the Anointed one himself walked over the
cradle of creation and civilisation.

When Joshua (from whence the common Greek name Jesus is derived) was born, he was visited by Ethiopians who returned back to the motherland and arrived on a date on the Ethiopian calendar equivalent to the seventh of January.

The witnesses gave their testimony to the royal family and the masses
at large who celebrated the day which is nowadays referred to as the
Ethiopian Christmas although it is made clear that it is not his
original date of birth and is not commemorated as thus.

All in all, they took seven months as they journeyed to and fro. So in
Egypt, no doubt, the Messiah learnt how to read and write at a tender

He also learnt many scripts like the book of Isaiah that he later on
quotes to some elders who were puzzled by how much he knew, yet he was younger than them all.

He also learnt more like the sixth and seventh books of Mo-seh
(popularly known as Moses) a native of the country he was dwelling in.

This book and many more were intentionally extracted from the Bible to
make the one most of you know.

The Ethiopian Bible has 87 books, while the popular Bible, revised and
standardised has 66.

No doubt Jesus learnt to perform some of the miracles and magic
(derived from the word magi) from such books. If you are as blessed as
very few of us, to have read such books, you would definitely know why they were plucked out for public enjoyment.

I personally read the sixth and seventh books of Moses and I could not
understand a thing.

They talk about Black Magic and Necromancy, topics that are too big
and complex for the scope of most of us. The fact that the easier
books are already regarded as sophisticated as Rocket Science or
Submarine Engineering shows how complex such books are.

There are books that give more detailed information on the Messiah’s
childhood, like Infancy 1 and Infancy 2. The Gnostic Gospels paint
other perspectives that are vital for one to get a bigger, broader and
clearer picture.

During the seven days we celebrate the Nativity of the Messiah, we go
over such delicate doctrine from the seventh to the fourteenth of

But still, it is not clear. It is instead more puzzling and perplexing
as to why and how does Immanuel Jeshua become Rastafari.

The book of Revelation speaks of a Saviour who shall have a new name that shall be called after his followers. He is described as having
“feet like burning brass, hair like sheep’s wool, eyes red like fire”.

All these descriptions point in the direction of a black man. “Behold
the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David, shall prevail to
open the scroll and loose the seven seals thereof.”

Ras Tafari Makonnen is the 225th descendent of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Solomon is the son of King David and Queen Bathsheba.

Emperor Haile Selassie I is the last Ethiopian monarch to carry the
title King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The book of Revelation also says: “And he has on his garment and on
his thigh a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

The book of Psalms say Ethiopia shall quickly stretch forth her arms unto Jah.

Actually, I need the whole paper for myself to try and explain what is
self-explanatory. Having said all this, still I know, you have eyes
but you don’t see, you have ears but you don’t hear. If Jah Ras Tafari
permits, I will reveal more unto you in these end of times.-The Sunday

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