Monday, March 07, 2011

Spotlight On Libya: Statement From the Iraq-Palestine Committee

March 4, 2011


by Ibrahim Ebeid
Iraq-Palestine Committee

The protests that we are witnessing in Libya must be examined carefully and wisely. We have to realize that the intifada of Libya is not totally a genuine one for reform; Part of it is provoked by the United States and the Zionists to occupy this oil-producing country, under the pretence of “democracy,” to get rid of its legitimate government for saying “no” to US and Zionist domination. Those who broke ranks with Gaddafi called upon the US to intervene, militarily if necessary, to get rid of the legitimate government. This call gives an excuse for the US and its European allies to pass a criminal resolution of the Security Council and propose sanctions and a “no fly zone.” These actions remind us of the same scenario that Iraq endured that caused its destruction. The infamous resolution will give the US and its allies open interpretations and the options of using military power that might lead to the invasion of Libya.

The National Leadership of the Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party issued a statement in which it stressed its support for the rights of the popular Arab masses and the legal and constitutional right of expression and peaceful protest as well as their right for food, health, education and just judiciary. The Leadership categorically rejects foreign interference in its various forms and types, and condemns the attempts of the American abuse and exploiting the events for its benefits. The US is using the United Nations to repeat the invasion of Iraq in Libya by exploiting propaganda about the Gaddafi regime to impose America's project to split the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya into three entities to ensure the American companies’ control on oil and gas, and to expand the protection of the "Zionist entity" in Palestine and the imposition of total domination of the Arab Homeland.

Libya is an oil and gas-producing country. It is different from Tunisia or Egypt, and it has to be controlled by the United States, even if thousands of people die. Oil sources are more important to the neo-imperialists than people. Chaos must be created and Libya must be ripped apart as we are witnessing right now.

The Military Intelligence Organization of Iraq, a pro-resistance group, published some of the reasons behind US and Zionist designs for Libya. One was very important and it was kept secret to conceal the reality behind the happenings in Libya: Hosni Mubarak, the ex- dictator of Egypt, offered Muammar Gaddafii a deal by the United States and Israel. The deal was to export gas and oil secretly to the Zionist entity, “Israel,” through Egypt. In return, Libya would not be confronted but protected. Gaddafi rejected the offer, and this annoyed Mubarak and prompted him to urge the US to get rid of Gaddafi to be able to control the sources of energy in Libya.”

We may differ with Qadhafi on some issues, but we must recognize that he was the only Arab leader who supported Iraq of the Ba’ath during the embargo and after the 2003 invasion. He stood up for Saddam Hussein and openly recognized the resistance. Of course, this courageous act did not please the US, which follows the doctrine of “who is not with us, he is our enemy.”

At this crucial time we must put our differences aside and stand with Libya and its leadership against US ambition and aggression, Libya’s unity and integrity are above us all.

Izzat Ibrahim Al Duri, the Secretary General of the Ba’ath Party, and Commander of the Jihad and liberation and Salvation Front, sent a message of support to the Arab people of Libya and to Leader Muammar Gaddafi. He warned imperialist America and its Western allies and stressed that the Front that he leads stands on the side of Libya and its nationalist revolutionary leadership and will fight side-by-side with the Libyan people to crush and defeat any foreign aggression. He affirmed that the High Command of the Jihad and Liberation and Salvation Front had opened the doors for volunteers to fight a guerrilla war.

We call upon our people, all over the Arab Homeland, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Gulf, to be conscious of the fact that a great conspiracy is geared towards ripping us apart, region-by-region. Al Duri urges the Arab people all over the land to join the movement to defeat the vicious invading armies and of the imperialists and their Zionists allies. There is no solution to our Nation but to wage the struggle with our lives and wealth, otherwise the malicious forces will finish our countries one-by-one. Even the lackeys will not escape, Traitor Hosni Mubarak, the partner in crimes against Palestine and Iraq, and his friend Zeinul Abdeen Ben Ali of Tunisia, were not saved by their master.

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