Tuesday, May 03, 2011

3 NATO Tankers Destroyed by Resistance Fighters in Pakistan

3 NATO tankers destroyed in Pakistan

Tue May 3, 2011 11:36PM

Pakistani security officials stood near a NATO oil tanker which was set on fire by militants in Landi Kotal near the border with Afghanistan on Tuesday, May 3, 2011.

Pro-Taliban militants in northwest Pakistan have destroyed three oil tankers transporting fuel to US-led foreign forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

One vehicle was destroyed in the Torkham area of the Khyber agency and the other two were blown up in a bomb blast in Alu Masjid in incidents that took place late on Tuesday. The explosion also caused damage to nearby buildings.

However, no casualties have been reported.

On Monday, four Pakistani police officers were killed and six others were injured after gunmen attacked vehicles carrying oil for NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants have routinely attacked NATO containers in northwest and southwest Pakistan for the past three years.

Pakistan is the only route through which supplies can be sent to NATO troops in landlocked Afghanistan. Other routes, largely through Russia and the Central Asian states, have proved too costly, both politically and economically.

But militants have destroyed several hundred NATO containers over the past few months, claiming the attacks are in retaliation for the unauthorized US drone strikes that have claimed the lives of many civilians in Pakistan.

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