Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Cuban National Assembly Speaker Calls for Release of U.S.-held Political Prisoners

Havana. May 4, 2011

Alarcón calls on the revolutionary press to unite efforts

RICARDO Alarcón de Quesada, member of the Political Bureau and president of the National Assembly of People's Power, has called on the revolutionary press to unite around cases like that of the Cuban Five, unjustly incarcerated in the United States.

"Uniting efforts against the current media wall of silence concerning issues that are not convenient to major interests is an obligation of the revolutionary press, he affirmed, summing up a panel on fighting for media truth in the case of the five Cuban anti-terrorists.

Organized by the Cuban Journalists Union (UPEC) at the José Martí Institute of Journalism, the panel included Gloria de la Riva of the U.S. National Committee to Free the Cuban Five and Alicia Jrapko, coordinator of the International Committee to Free the Cuban Five.

De la Riva recounted her experiences on working on the San Francisco Chronicle, where she unsuccessfully attempted to publish an article on the legal situation of Gerardo Hernández, René González, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and René González, internationally known as the Cuban Five.

Alicia Jrapko spoke of the difficulties confronted by solidarity with Cuba organizations when approaching the issue of the island’s anti-terrorists, due to the prevailing ignorance about them and the truth around their case.

Tubal Paéz, UPEC president, recalled that the manner of lying currently wielded by the U.S. press about the Five is the same that it has utilized against the 50 years of the Cuban Revolution. (AIN)

Translated by Granma International

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