Tuesday, May 03, 2011

President Raul Castro Presides Over May Day Rally in Santiago de Cuba

Havana. May 1, 2011

Raúl presides over May Day event in Santiago de Cuba

SANTIAGO DE CUBA, May 1 (AIN)—President Raúl Castro, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), is presiding over celebrations for International Workers Day in this heroic city.

The President is accompanied by Lázaro Expósito Canto, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the PCC in the province, with other leaders of the Party, government and political, youth and mass organizations.

Also present on the platform in Antonio Maceo Grajales Plaza de la Revolución are Heroes of Labor, outstanding workers and labor movement leaders, veterans and founder members of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC), plus foreign workers' delegations in friendship with Cuba.

The historic plaza and its surrounding areas have been decorated with giant Cuban flags and those of the 26th of July Movement, symbols of the Cuban people, and posters with slogans like Unity, Productivity and Efficiency, which distinguish this year’s celebration.

María de los Angeles Cordero Tamayo, CTC general secretary in the province, gave the central address, which was followed by the marching blocs, headed by Combatants of the Revolution.

Translated by Granma International

Havana. May 1, 2011

Machado Ventura presides over May Day event and march in the Cuban capital

JOSE Ramón Machado Ventura , second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, is presiding over the popular rally and march for International Workers Day in the capital.

Hundreds of thousands of Havana residents have flocked to José Martí Plaza de la Revolución, as well as representatives of dozens of countries and labor organizations, social movements and friendship with Cuba groups, all reaffirming their solidarity with the island.

Vice President Machado Ventura is accompanied by leaders of the Communist Party, government and state, the Union of Young Communists and social and mass organizations.

Ivan Melnikov, vice president of the Russian Federation Duma and first vice president of its Communist Party, is present at the event.

Salvador Valdés. general secretary of the Cuban Workers Federation, made the central speech at the May Day celebrations in Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución. (AIN)

Translated by Granma International

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