Friday, May 06, 2011

Zimbabwe Vice-President Joice Mujuru Lauds Church

VP Mujuru lauds Church

Sunday, 01 May 2011 00:38
By Kuda Bwititi
Zimbabwe Sunday Mail

VICE-PRESIDENT Mujuru has lauded the Church for its role in promoting peace, saying religious congregations should help reduce incidents of politically motivated violence in the country.

Speaking at the Johanne Masowe weChishanu Apostolic Church prayer convention in Harare yesterday, she said churches were critical in uniting people and turning society from ills such as violence.

“Nowadays, we do not go for a week without receiving reports of serious political violence,” she said.

“The Church is a unifier. As such, we should use churches to remedy violence as they teach us to desist from doing what is wrong.

“The Church must live, preach and also promote peace as (it comprises) the true sons and daughters of God.”

Vice-President Mujuru urged church and political leaders to work together, with the former providing guidance and support.

“We are a Government of the people and we expect guidance from church leaders to help us in leading the people.

“As leaders, we also see you as our shepherds.

“We expect your support because we were given leadership by God. So, we expect to work with you in this symbiotic relationship.”

The Vice-President added that indigenous apostolic churches such as the Johanne Masowe weChishanu were instrumental in safeguarding cultural values.

“As Government, we call upon the Church to help in the preservation of our values as a people.

“. . . As parents and Christians, we should be role models to our children and society. We should live according to the Word of God.

“I am happy that your church upholds some of our important traditional values. This is important because it helps us see that we are our own liberators and to preserve our uniqueness and history as a people.”

Cde Mujuru said women were also pivotal in nation-building and healing.

“Women have a critical role to play in the family and in the nation-building and healing process,” she said.

“We know that women and children suffer more when there is no peace. It is, therefore, important that we help in maintaining peace in our families and communities through what we say and do.

“We should also teach our children to respect life. We should not fan disunity and hate speech.”

The 12-day prayer convention, which ends today, drew church members from across the country.

Media, Information and Publicity Minister Cde Webster Shamu, Zanu-PF Politburo member Cde Cliveria Chizema and Zanu-PF Harare provincial chairman Ambassador Amos Midzi were among the senior party officials present at yesterday’s gathering.-The Sunday Mail

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