Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cynthia McKinney Speaks in Detroit Today to Oppose the US-NATO War Against Libya, 4:00pm

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory on Cynthia McKinney Visit to Detroit

Event: Emergency Meeting to “Stop the U.S.-NATO War on Libya!”
Date: Saturday, August 27, 4:00-7:00pm
Speaker: Former U.S. Congressperson Cynthia McKinney
Location: U-M Detroit Center, 3662 Woodward at M.L. King Blvd.
Sponsors: Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI)
Contact: 313-671-3715
URL: or

Stop the U.S. and NATO War on Libya: We Need Jobs, Housing, Health Care, Social Security and Quality Education

Recent events in the oil-rich North African state of Libya makes this weekend's visit of former U.S. Congressperson Cynthia McKinney to Detroit more important than ever. The NATO military forces that have flown more than 20,000 sorties over this nation of six million people are now claiming victory in this strategically important country on the continent.

The many media outlets would like us to believe that the people of Libya are supporting the naval blockade, aerial bombardment, training, arming and coordinating of rebel units and the theft of $128 billion in the foreign assets being carried out by the U.S. administration and the NATO governments.

For over five months the African nation of Libya has been mercilessly bombed by United States, French, British, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch and Canadian warplanes. A naval blockade has placed warships in the Mediterranean off the coast of the resource-rich country.

Inside the North African state of Libya large numbers of civilians have been killed. The goal of the imperialist powers is to seize control of the largest oil reserves in Africa as they did during the colonial era.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and military advisers from European governments are on the ground directing their puppet rebel forces in the war against the Libyan people. The imperialists are funding the rebel groups through the stolen tax dollars of the working populations of the U.S. and Europe who do not support this war against Libya and Africa as a whole.

Since March 11 the 54-member African Union has opposed foreign intervention in Libya and calls for a ceasefire followed by a negotiated settlement to the war in Libya. These overtures by the AU were accepted by the Libyan government in Tripoli but rejected by the U.S.-NATO forces and their surrogates inside the country.

Come out on August 27 to hear an eyewitness account of the brutal and criminal U.S.-led war against Libya and join the movement to stop this carnage and blatant attempted theft of this African state.

The featured speaker for this event will be the former U.S. Congressperson Cynthia McKinney of Georgia who recently visited Libya to obtain a firsthand account of the U.S.-NATO war in North Africa. McKinney visited sites within the country that had been bombed by the U.S. and NATO warplanes.

Sponsors for this event include MECAWI, the National Conference of Black Lawyers--Michigan Chapter, the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization, Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Workers World Party and the Pan-African News Wire and the New Marcus Garvey Movement.

For more information on this event please contact MECAWI at 313-671-3715.

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