Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pan-African Journal Broadcast on the Significance of the Execution of Troy Davis

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory
Sunday 25 September, 2011

Event: Pan-African Journal Special Worldwide Radio Broadcast
Theme: The Execution of Troy Davis and the Liberation of the People
Time: Tonight, September 25, 8:00-10:00pm EDT
Host: Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire

To listen to this broadcast just log on to the website below:

The Execution of Troy Davis and the Continuing Struggle for the Liberation of African People

Tune in tonight to listen to a special worldwide radio broadcast on the significance of the illegal execution of Troy Davis in Jackson, Georgia. Davis was legally lynched on September 21 at 11:08pm. Millions came to his defense and the execution has not only prompted condemnation from various quarters inside the United States and around the world but has further exposed the thoroughly racist character of U.S. capitalism and imperialism in the 21st century.

This broadcast will be immediately archived so that it can be shared through various radio, websites, blogs and other mechanism internationally.

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