Friday, November 04, 2011

National Conference of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

National Conference of Committee to Stop FBI Repression

November 5, 2011

Event Information

Date: Sat, 2011-11-05 08:30 - 17:00
Organized by: Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Kent Law School
565 W. Adams Conference Room C-50
Chicago, IL
United States

See map: Google Maps

Join us for a national conference of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression in Chicago, IL on Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dear Friends and Supporters,

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is organizing a national conference at Kent Law School in Chicago on Saturday, November 5, 2011.

We are gathering to organize a broad front against FBI and U.S. government repression of activists and movements both at home and abroad. We know it is the people’s movements that deliver the goods -- that bring equality, peace and justice.

While the White House lectures Arab and Muslim leaders in the Middle East about democracy and the treatment of their citizens, we experience FBI raids, grand jury investigations and outrageous criminal charges. Big business cheers and politicians smirk at police abuse of Occupy Wall Street activists, but people are growing angrier as thousands across the country are arrested for democratic protests. We are not alone in this struggle. We are together and growing stronger.

We hope you will come to hear Carlos Montes and offer solidarity as he faces a trial and possible imprisonment. We hope you can show support to the anti-war and international solidarity activists whose homes were turned upside down by the FBI, whose families are shaken by grand jury subpoenas and who are still facing multiple indictments, according to the U.S. Attorney.

We need to educate ourselves and then act upon the outrageous mistreatment of Arab and Muslim-American people and leaders in our country. We can fight back and make positive changes like movements of the past. Unjust laws like the Patriot Act can be overturned and civil liberties expanded. We can organize and we can win.

You can make a difference by attending the CSFR Conference at Kent Law School in Chicago. Take your new knowledge back to the groups and movements you are part of. We hope to see you on Saturday, November 5th. Please register as soon as you can, so we can arrange the proper amount of food etc. (although no one will be turned away for not registering).

Support Carlos Montes! Drop the charges!

Tom Burke, for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

CSFR Conference Agenda

8:30 Registration

9:00 Welcome

•Sarah Smith of Chicago Committee Against Political Repression
•Tom Burke of Committee to Stop FBI Repression

9:10 Drop the Charges, End Political Repression

Carlos Montes, Chicano leader, anti-war and immigrant rights activist, whose home was raided and ransacked by the FBI. Carlos awaits trial for charges reaching back 40 years.

9:25 Update On Anti-war and International Solidarity Activists targeted for repression by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald

•Introduced by Jeff Mackler of United National Anti-War Coalition
•Jim Fennerty of the National Lawyers Guild
•Jess Sundin of the Anti-War Committee in Minneapolis

9:55 Break

10:05 Speak Out Against Repression

•Pat Hunt - chair and introduction
•Alejandro Molina on Puerto Rican Movement, National Boricua Human Rights Network•Ali Al-Arian on the case of his father Dr. Sami Al-Arian•Sharmin Sadequee on the case of her brother Shifa Sadequee•Noor Elashi on the case of her father Ghassan Elashi and the Holy Land Five•Mrs. Asmaa Ashqar on the case of her husband Dr. Ashqar•Hatem Abudayyeh on Palestine Solidarity, U.S. Palestinian Community Network

11:00 Questions and Response

11:30 Workshops/Groups Session I

A. Labor Sector Solidarity
•Cherrene Horazuk, AFSCME Local 3800 chief steward
•Carl Rosen, President of the Western Region United Electrical Workers
•Sarah Chambers of Chicago Teachers Union Executive Board* (For identification purposes only)
B. Palestine Solidarity
•Anh Pham, anti-war and international solidarity activist. Co-chaired by Debbie Southorn of the Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG). World opposition to Israeli apartheid is growing and the U.S. government is criminalizing Palestine solidarity. We must organize to end the repression.
C. Student Sector Solidarity
•Stephanie Taylor of University of Minnesota SDS - Bringing solidarity to campus with tabling, petitioning, education events and protesting the FBI for suppressing free speech and political organizing.
D. Legislative Action
•Deb Konechne, CSFR - Organizing elected officials to take a stand and speak out against political repression and the violations of civil liberties, changing repressive laws, promoting new policy.
*For identification purposes only

12.30 Lunch

•Salute to Jacques Rivera, wrongfully convicted in Chicago, Illinois, freed from prison, presented by Stephanie Weiner

•Electronic solidarity – messages and videos

1:30 Understanding and Opposing FBI Repression, Grand Juries, and Pre-emptive Prosecution

•Steff Yorek and Abayomi Azikiwe chairs and introduction
•Michael Deutsch, People’s Law Office, on grand juries and conspiracy charges
•Steve Downs, Project Salam, on pre-emptive prosecutions and thought crimes
•Kay Guinane, Charity and Security Network, amending the material support law, the Humanitarian Law Project vs Holder decision and free speech
•Shahid Buttar, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, on the material support standard, ending the Patriot Act, and local civil rights defense
•Meredith Aby, Committee to Stop FBI Repression, building a broad front against repression.

2:15 Questions and Response

2:45 Break

3:00 Workshops/Groups Session II

A. Mapping the Landscape for Struggle
•George Friday and Shahid Buttar, Bill of Rights Defense Committee leaders, speak on analysis and tools for organizing against repression
B. Protest G8/NATO in Chicago and Republican National Convention 2012 in Tampa
•Joe Iosbaker of Coalition Against Nato/G8 War and Poverty Agenda CAN-GATE
•Fernando Figueroa with Coalition to March on the RNC
C. Immigrant Rights
•Maria Pizarro, immigrant rights activist, discuss and plan support for Carlos Montes in the immigrant rights movement.
D. Occupy Wall Street and Political Repression
•Chance Zombor of Occupy the Hood - Milwaukee
•Daniel Ginsberg-Jaeckle of Peace Action WI, discuss the new OWS movement, countering massive police and FBI repression, and how to take the Stop FBI campaigns out to the OWS movement.

4:00 Stop FBI and U.S. Government Political Repression Plenary for organizing and plans for action

•Chairs Cherrene Horazuk and Maureen Murphy
•Introduction by Prexy Nesbitt, Southern Africa solidarity leader
•Resolution Number 1-- Solidarity with Carlos Montes, written and moved by Mick Kelly
•Resolution Number 2-- re-affirm the Pledge To Resist in support of anti-war and international solidarity activists, written and moved by Jess Sundin
•Resolution Number 3 -- Building a front against U.S. government repression, written and moved by Mick Kelly
Closing Comments and Solidarity Thank You!

Please write to with questions.

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