Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on CJAM Canadian Radio Discussing the Defense Authorization Act

Dec. 16: Jack Gibbons of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance; Abayomi Azikiwe and the Defense Authorization Act in the US

CJAM Windsor, Canada Radio Broadcast for December 16, 2011

Listen to entire program here:

Jack Gibbons: @ 5:31
Abayomi Azikiwe: @ 41:10

In the first half hour of the program we endeavored to grapple with energy strategies in Ontario with Jack Gibbons, Chair of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance. The alliance, according to the website, “…is a coalition of individuals and approximately 90 organizations (health and environmental organizations, faith communities, municipalities, utilities, unions and corporations) that represent over six million Ontarians.”

The alliance was “…established in 1997 to achieve the phase-out of Ontario’s dirty coal-fired power plants and to move Ontario towards a renewable electricity future.” In Windsor we know that green energy is a cornerstone of efforts to revitalize the local economy with Samsung coming to the city to build wind turbine towers. How sound is the Ontario government’s strategy for energy efficiency and what could be done to improve it?

The Ontario Clean Air Alliance works to make sure we are moving in the right direction for a renewable electricity future and has published a report for energy efficiency as well as a six point plan for lower energy bills linked to a strong economy. During the discussion of the six point plan Gibbons mentions Combined Heat and Power (CHP) operations and listed several around the province.

The one listed in Windsor is next to the Ford engine assembly plant. Be sure to stay aware of the coming campaign by the OCAA regarding the high cost of nuclear energy by clicking on image below:

In the second half hour we spoke with Abayomi Azikiwe in Detroit to get a handle on the National Defense Authorization Act about which one report says “… writes into law an assumed role for the military in domestic counterterrorism that did not exist before.”

Azikiwe also spoke on Occupy Detroit and the Emergency Manager law – a draconian tool of the State meant to ram through cuts to city services while a comopliant media drums up a crisis atmosphere demanding drastic action.

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