Friday, December 23, 2011

Tell President Obama: VETO Indefinite Detention; Stop the NDAA!

Call President Obama 202-456-1111-- Demand he veto the NDAA.

National call in day, Friday, December 23
Tell President Obama:
VETO indefinite detention without trial

Call President Obama at 202-456-1111

Sisters and Brothers,

A serious attack on our civil liberties is underway and President Obama plans to sign it into law on Monday, December 26. Congress recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which has a provision that allows the president to authorize the military to detain anyone suspected of ‘terrorism’ indefinitely, inside or outside the United States, without trial.

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression urges you to contact President Obama and demand he veto “indefinite detention without trial.”

We need to do everything in our power to push back against repression. Under the guise of preventing ‘terrorism’ our democratic rights are being taken away. We have seen this in the case of the 24 anti-war and international solidarity activists who were raided by the FBI and/or called to the grand jury investigating “material support for Foreign Terrorist Organizations.” We have seen this in the prosecution of veteran Chicano activist Carlos Montes in Los Angeles.

Over the past decade this repression has led to the jailing or deportation of thousands of Arabs and Muslims. We need to say enough is enough. We need a presidential veto.

This type of repression happened before in 1942, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the U.S. military to round up 120,000 Japanese Americans in concentration camps, without charges or trials. Years later a U.S. government commission called this a result of “race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership.” It was wrong then and it is wrong now.

Let President Obama know: “I do not want indefinite detention without trial to become law. Veto the National Defense Authorization Act.”

Call President Obama at 202-456-1111

Thanks for your immediate action,
your friends at the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.

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