Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Kim Jong Il's Contributions to People's Korea

Kim Jong Il’s contributions to People’s Korea

Published Feb 5, 2012 10:10 PM

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has been mourning the untimely death of its leader, Kim Jong Il. The following press release from the DPRK’s U.N. Mission relates some of Kim’s biography and his contributions to securing the country from imperialist attack while adhering to socialist development. The term Songun refers to Kim’s policy of giving the greatest priority to the military and the defense of the DPRK.

This policy was intensified after U.S. President George W. Bush threatened Korea with war by adding it to his “Axis of Evil” list. Vinalon is an ingenious silken fabric that is mass produced in the DPRK from anthracite and limestone, which are abundant there.

Kim Jong Il, Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army, was endowed with unexcelled military stratagem and unparalleled courage.

Born in Mt. Paektu, the base of the armed struggle of the Korean people to liberate the country from the Japanese military occupation (1905-1945), he spent his childhood amid the roar of gunfire of the sacred anti-Japanese war. In the days of the Fatherland Liberation War of the Korean people against the aggression of the United States (1950-1953, the Korean war) when he was around 10 years old he learned the military beside the table for mapping out plans of operation at the Headquarters. These circumstances enabled him to acquire the viewpoint of giving importance to military affairs and deep knowledge of it from his early days.

He made public many works while studying at Kim Il Sung University (1960-1964) and not a few of them are related to the military affairs.

On Aug. 25, 1960, he inspected the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su 105 Guards Tank Division of the Korean People’s Army, which signifies the start of his Songun-based leadership, and has pursued Songun politics since the end of the 1960s. Already in those years he demonstrated his wisdom and stratagem, and courage and pluck befitting a brilliant commander. When the touch-and-go situations were created on the Korean peninsula owing to the Pueblo (a U.S. armed spy ship) Incident in January 1968, the EC-121 (a U.S. spy aircraft) Incident in April 1969 and the Panmunjom Incident in August 1976, the United States could not escape ignominious defeats. All these were thanks to his unexcelled military stratagem and unparalleled courage.

The world public realized more keenly his matchless courage as the brilliant commander, when the United States forced upon Korea a “special inspection” clamoring about its “nuclear issue” while resuming the Team Spirit joint military exercise, a nuclear test war the largest of its kind unprecedented in history, in March 1993. At that time he issued the order of the Supreme Commander declaring the state of semi-war to the whole country, which was followed by the statement of the DPRK government on its withdrawal from the NPT.

Stunned by the successive thunderbolt-like declarations the United States could not but resign itself to the negotiations with Korea and sign the DPRK-USA Joint Statement (June 1993) and DPRK-USA Agreed Framework (October 1994) aimed at peacefully settling the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.

When Korea announced to the world that it would launch its second artificial earth satellite Kwangmyongsong No. 2 in April 2009 the United States, Japan, south Korea and other enemy forces made much fuss about it. The Japanese government even adopted the “interception of the satellite” as its national policy and by all means tried to prevent Korea from launching its satellite by deploying warships. At this critical time Korea declared that Japan’s “interception of the satellite” would mean a war, stressing that if Japan would make attempts to intercept its satellite, it would shower a fire of revenge not only on interception means already deployed but also on main targets in Japan. Those who fussed about the “interception” shut their mouths and Korea launched the satellite as scheduled.

Kim Jong Il led the socialist cause of Korea and the cause of global independence against imperialism to victory with Songun politics as a basic political mode of socialism.

In the closing years of the 20th century socialism collapsed one after another in several countries, and the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces, raving about the “end of socialism,” directed the spearhead of attack toward Korea who unflinchingly held fast to the banner of socialism. To cope with it, Kim Jong Il held higher the banner of Songun to defend the destiny of the country and people and socialism, and to secure the peace and security of the Korean peninsula and the world.

He ensured that the political and ideological, military and technological strength of the army was intensified in every possible way by giving ceaseless inspections at the units of the People’s Army. He also put forward the line of economic construction on giving priority to the defense industry.

As a result, the atmosphere of giving importance to military affairs has been created throughout society and the work of arming all the people and fortifying the whole country impregnably realized at a higher level.

It has also possessed reliable nuclear deterrent in order to cope with the U.S.’s tenacious nuclear threat and blackmail.

Korea has remarkably strengthened the national power as a whole on the basis of its powerful military capacity. It holds supremacy of CNC technology, the cutting-edge technology in the machine-building industry, and has established the system of producing iron, fertilizer and vinalon relying on its domestic resources. The appearance of land has been changed beyond recognition through the large-scale land realignment and tideland reclamation. Korea, already occupying the position of a political and military power, is now striving to become an economic giant.

The reality of Korea which registers one victory after another by upholding the banner of Songun greatly encourages the countries and people of the world which aspire after independence and oppose imperialism and gives strong impetus to the implementation of the cause of making the world independent.

With Songun Korea’s world profile increasing remarkably, West European and many other countries that had long shunned themselves from it or disregarded it, established diplomatic relations with it. Many political figures, including former U.S. presidents, paid visits to Korea.

Wakabayashi Hiroshi, a social figure of Japan, has once commented that nobody could deny the fact that there was only one country among many, large and small on the planet, which won victory politically, diplomatically and militarily in open showdown with the United States and which made the latter yield to and visit it, and that was Korea led by Kim Jong Il.

Kim Jong Il was a peerless commander in the Songun era.
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