Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interviewed During Protest Against Scott Walker's Visit to Troy

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's Visit to Troy Draws Protesters

Updated: Tuesday, 17 Apr 2012, 11:01 PM EDT
WJBK | Mich.

(WJBK) -- A huge crowd gathered outside the San Marino Club in Troy as the governor of Wisconsin attended a fundraiser for the Republican Party. About 2,000 people marched along Big Beaver Road to protest the appearance of Governor Scott Walker.

Walker is notorious for his negative position on the unions. Troy police expected this, planned for it and were on hand to control the crowds.

There was boisterous booing to anyone who pulled into the San Marino Club targeting those who support the embattled Wisconsin governor. Walker is facing a recall election for his union busting efforts.

Many union members who chanted and marched were under the impression that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder hosted the event.

"As far as we're concerned, they're political, Siamese twins," said Abayomi Azikiwe with the Moratorium to Stop Foreclosures. "They're connected at the hip and they're connected at the heart and connected at the head."

"Just the fact that he invited Scott Walker here is a big insult to all working people in Michigan," John Dick with Jobs with Justice.

However, Governor Snyder didn't host it. In fact, his spokesperson said he didn't even attend the Republican fundraiser.

Governor Walker made an appearance at the Ronald Reagan Dinner, and the message from the protesters was loud and clear.
UAW president Bob King called for his members to represent.

"The working people are tired of seeing their real wages go down and their pensions being attacked, they're collective bargaining rights being attacked, so people are going to stand up and fight for democracy," he said.

"He needs to go home back to Wisconsin and they don't want him there either," said UAW member Kathleen McClaim.

The opposition is also a carry over from the Occupy Wall Street movement, a campaign now called 99% Spring, a growing group attacking corporate greed and demanding change.

"I'm tired of taking money out of my pocket, out of my children's pocket and giving it to the rich," one protester said.

"We are here to protest against this right wing onslaught against the overwhelming majority of people here in the United States who have to work for a living and who have to earn their livelihood," Azikiwe said.

A movement so large it caught the attention of Phil Bazzo, who was driving by and decided to stop with his eighth grade daughter and her friend, calling it a political life lesson.

"It's important for them to know that life is a contact sport and this is part of the contact sport in democracy," he said.

The protest lasted a little over two hours, but really never got out of control.

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