Saturday, April 14, 2012

Detroit Organizing Meeting to Fightback!: Mon., April 16, 7:00-9:00pm EDT

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory

Event: Organizing Meeting to Fightback!, Mon., April 16, 2012, 7:00-9:00pm EDT
Speakers: Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor; Rev. Edward Pinkney, NAACP President Benton Harbor
Location: 5920 Second Ave., Near Antoinette, North of WSU Campus
Sponsors: Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI), Moratorium NOW!
Contact: 313-671-3715

Detroit Organizing Meeting to Fightback!: Featuring Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, Contributing editor for Workers World and Rev. Edward Pinkney, President of the Twin Cities Branch of the NAACP in Benton Harbor

Trayvon Martin, Robert Davis III, Michael Haynes, Tulsa massacre: Across the United States police and racist vigilante violence is targeting African Americans. If they don't kill you, they racially profile you, harass you and imprison you. At the same time the politicians are slashing education and recreation funds, ending aid to those in need, destroying job training, ignoring an unemployment rate of 50% in Detroit.

Emergency Managers and "Financial Stability Agreements": Cities across Michigan with African American majorities are targeted for takeover by state-appointed dictators. Elected officials are being pushed aside.

The only purpose of these takeovers is to MAKE SURE THE BANKS ARE PAID THEIR USURIOUS INTEREST. Detroit alone is paying $600 million a year to the banks in debt service on $16.9 billion of debt to the financial institutions who were bailed out with the taxpayer dollars of working people.

Vital social services are slashed, city assets are to be sold off, workers are to be laid-off or face pay, benefit and pension cuts.\

Hear: Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire and Contributing Editor for Workers World Newspaper speaking on "Justice for Trayvon Martin and all victims of racism, police brutality and terrorism.

Rev. Edward Pinkney, Civil Rights leader and President of the Twin Cities Branch of the NAACP in Benton Harbor. Pinkney and others are fighting the state-imposed Emergency Manager in that mainly African American city will address "Life under a Dictator."

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